ID | Oneida | English | Audio File |
284 | Né: tho:ne’ kwi: tehutkwáne’ tsi’ tyutatlihunyʌnitha̲’ | They will have a dance at the school. | |
285 | Ne: ka’i:kʌ nikaha:wi nale’ wa’kwatolishʌ yakwatayatha̲’ | This is the time of the year that the students take a holiday from school. | |
294 | Lutawyáth̲a̲ | the students |
ID | Oneida | English | Audio File |
281 | Wa’tehsatu:kóhte’ kʌ | Did you graduate? | |
280 | Hʌ: okni’ i:se̲’ | Yes, did you? | |
279 | Hʌ: tahnuwi: wa’ketsyá:kʌ̲ | Yes, and I worked very hard. | |
286 | ka’slehtés | limousine | |
287 | Wa’ketsyá:kʌ̲ | I worked very hard | |
290 | Tehutkwan̲e̲’ | they are having a dance | |
289 | Wa’tesatkwá:na’ kʌ | are you going to the dance? | |
291 | Wa’tyutú:kote̲’ | she graduated | |
292 | Wa’thatú:kote̲’ | he graduated | |
293 | Wa’tesatú:kote̲’ | you graduated (passed a grade) |