Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Piano Quartet No. 1 by Gerald Barry

Compositional Techniques

Instrumental Techniques

Feature of 20th Century Music


The main function of the piano:

Instruments Techniques



Rhythmic Features

Compositional Features

Section A


Contemporary Features

Non-Contemporary Features

Section A1

Section B1

Section B2

Bars 188 - 205

Bar 222

Bar 239

Section D2+B3

Section C1

From Bar 124

Section C2

Section C3

Bar 256

Bar 272

Bar 288

Bar 303

Section C4

Section C5

Section C6

Section C7

Bar 483

Section C8 + F

Section C9

Section D1

Section D2+B3

Section D3+E2

Section E1

_ 4 part canon at distance of quaver at the octave, violin, viola, cello, LH piano

Section E2+D3

Section F+C8

Section G

Section H

Bar 542

Bar 558