Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Too Good to Go

French English
L’appilcation The application/app
S’engager contre Engage against
Le gaspillage alimentaire The food waste
Sauver to save
Les paniers (m) The baskets
Le repas Meal
Par jour Per day
Ceux Those
Avec anxiété With anxiety
La date limite The deadline/expiry date
Lorsque Lucie était When Lucie was
De lui apporter To bring him/her
Rationnel Rational
Je ne comprends pas I don’t understand
Se débarasser To discard / to get rid of
Encore bon Still good
Le phénomene The phenomenon
Terminer To end
Sembler To seem
Chacun Each
Devoir prendre conscience to have to be aware
Décider To decide
Souligner To underline/highlight (make more visible/bring awareness to)
Désirer participer To wish to participate
Plus responsable More responsible
Frais et non-vendus Fresh and unsold
Il suffit It is enough / All you have to do
Repérer To spot
Présenter son smartphone To present your smartphone
Au commerçant To the merchant / shopkeeper
En fin de journée At the end of the day
La fermeture The closure
Reconnaître to recognize
Le contenu The content(s)
Sa commande His order
À la fin du jour At the end of the day
Un panier surpris A surprise basket
Verser une somme fixe To pay a fixed sum
Un peu plus de More of/Just over
S’être inscrits To have registered / to subscribe
Commander To order
Quotidiennement Daily
Auprès de _ Near _
Offrer une solution To offer a solution
Concrète Concrete
Gagnant-gagnant Win-win
J’ai dû tenter de convaincre I have to try convince
Cerise sur le gâteau Cherry on the cake (Idiom, French version of Cherry on the top of a cake)
L’association The association
Action contre faim Action against hunger
Parallèlement Parallel
Une personne démunie A poor person / a person in need
Peuvent y prendre part Can take part
Dans le besoin In need