Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

What would you like to do in life? / after the leaving cert?

French English
J’aimerais étudier _ I would like to study _
Je voudrais faire _ I want to do _
Trouver un emploi To find a job
Le commerce business
La science science
La médecine medicine
Les études d’infirmière nursing (studies)
L’informatique computer science (IT)
Les lettres arts (humanities)
Le droit law
L’architecture architecture
L’ingénierie engineering
Les langues étrangères foreign languages
comptable accountant
scientifique scientist
médecin doctor
architecte architect
infirmier/infirmière nurse (m./f.)
informaticien/informaticienne computer scientist
professeur/instituteur/trice teacher / primary teacher
psychologue psychologist
notaire / avocat solicitor / lawyer
ingénieur engineer
travailleur social(e) social worker