Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

2022 HL Question 2 Vocabulary

French English
Il faut payer It must be paid
Je ne sais plus I don’t know anymore
“C’est vieillot, mais propre” “It’s old fashioned, clean”
Quand meme At the same time
Particulier Strange / private
Avoir l’impression To have the impression
Vider To empty
Piocher To pick / to withdraw
J’ai du mal a respirer I have trouble breathing
La moitié du loyer Half of the rent
Passer la main entre To pass one’s hand between
Alors que Even though / while
Je n’y trouverai rien I won’t find anything there
Remplir To fill
En partant in leaving / by leaving
Ca ira It will be
La force me manque I lack the strength
Laisser derrière moi TO leave behind me
Franchir To cross
Le rez-de-chaussée Ground floor
La femme du patron The bosses wife
Tomber par terre To fall to the ground
Faire un scandale To make a massive deal
Une voleuse A thief
Se faire taire To shut someone up
Le volant Steering wheel
Sur le tableau de bord Dashboard
Je cherche des mots I don’t have the words / I’m looking for words
Emmener To bring
Par contre On the other hand
J’aimerais bien savoir I would really like to know
Rebondir To rebound / to bounce back
Il faut prendre (One) Must take
Les mains tendues Hands clenched
Il y en a There are some (of them)
Pour m’en sortir To get me out of it
Redémarrer To restart
Plus jamais Never again