Revision Sheets (Fiches de révision)
Pronunciation (Prononciation)
- In French, the final letter is not pronounced except when it has an accent on it: é/è/ê/ë
- Ex: mange ≠ (not pronounced the same as) mangé
- The letters « ill » are most of the time pronounced like a « y » sound (like in the word yellow) except for the word « ville »
- Ex: travailler = (pronounced like) travayé
- The final « s » are not pronounced
- Ex: dans = (pronounced like) dan
- When you have a word ended by the same « s » as in « les/des/dans/vous/nous » and arriving before a word with a vowel as the first letter, you have to create a link between them by making a « z » sound
- Ex: les amis = (pronounced like) lézami
Grammar and Syntax (Grammaire et syntaxe)
- French sentences are composed of: Subject + Verb + Object. If you’re missing one of these elements you need to add it
- Ex: La maison grande -> La maison est grande
- Mots féminins: Words ended by « ée/esse/ette/ienne/tion/ice/elle » are almost always feminine
- Ex: poupée -> une poupée
- Don’t forget to mathc adjectives with the gender and the verb they complete:
- Ex: Mon amiest beau -> Ma aime est belle
- Try to complexify your sentences by using words such as « that/which/who/… » = que/qui in French
- Ex: J’ai une grande famille qui est composée de ma mère, mon père et mes frères et sœurs. J’ai aussi un chien que j;aime beaucoup
Conjugation (Conjugaison)
To be added!
Tips (Conseils)
- Try to correct yourself: even if you’re only trying we will rise your mark
- Take your time, speak slowly and articulate: pronunciation is marked out of 20 points
- If you feel secure enough try some complex sentences: taking risk will raise your final mark!
- The idea in this exam is to show your French skills, so try to use different tenses, a lot of vocabulary and show us that you know how to use them!
- Give us details on your life: you have to talk for 12 to 15 minutes during the oral exam of the Leaving Certificate!