Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Spelling Changes to Verbs

For verbs ending in -eter and -eler, double the final consonant before the silent endings

-eter and -eler Verb Ending Changes

Pronouns Jeter (To Throw) S’appeler (To Call Oneself)
je jette m’appelle
tu jettes t’appelle
il/elle/on jette s’appelle
nous jetons nous appelons
vous jetez vous appelez
ils/elles jettent s’appellent

Other -eter and -eler Examples

Français Anglais
épeler to spell
rappeler to call back, recall
renouveler to renew
rejeter to reject

For verbs with an -e (or é) before the last syllable of the infinitive change the vowel to -è before the silent endings

-e and -é Verb Ending Changes

Pronouns Se laver (to get up) Espérer (to hope)
je (j’) me lève espère
tu te lèves espères
il/elle/on se lève espère
nous nous levons espérons
vous vous levez espérez
ils/elles se lèvent espèrent

Other -e and -é Examples

Français Anglais
acheter to buy
compléter to complete
inquiéter to worry
préférer to prefer
répéter to repeat

For verbs that end in -oyer or -uyer, change the -y to -i before the silent endings

-oyer and -uyer Verb Ending Changes

Pronouns Nettoyer (to clean) Essuyer (to wipe)
je nettoie essuie
tu nettoies essuies
il/elle/on nettoie essuie
nous nettoyons essuyones
vous nettoyez essuyez
ils/elles nettoient essuient

A spelling change also takes place in verbs ending in -ayer with the -y changing to -i before the silent endings. However, this change is optional and the verb can be spelt in the regular way, e.g essayer (to try): j’essaie and j’essaye are both correct

Other -ayer Examples

Français Anglais
effrayer to frighten
essayer to try
payer to pay

Verbs that end in -ger have a spelling change before the hard vowels, -a and -o. Add an -e after the g

Verbs that end in -cer have a spelling change before the hard vowels, -a and -o. Change -c to a -ç

-cer and -ger Verb Ending Changes

Pronouns Manger (to eat) Commencer (to begin)
je mange commence
tu manges comemnces
il/elle/on mange commence
nous mangeons commençons
vous mangez commencez
ils/elles mangent commencent

Other -cer and -ger Examples

Français Anglais
changer to change
dé ménager to move
nager to swim
partager to share
voyager to travel