Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Future Tense

le futur simple (the future)


  1. Take the infinitive

    e.g. Dancer (To dance)

  2. Add the appropriate ending (based of pronoun) to the end of the word

    e.g. Je dancerai (I will dance)

Steps for -RE Verbs

  1. Take the infinitive

    e.g. Entendre (To hear)

  2. Take away the e from the -RE

    e.g. Entendr

  3. Add the appropriate ending (based of pronoun) to the end of the word

    e.g. Tu entendras (You will hear)

Future Tense Endings

Pronoun Ending Example of -ER Verbs (Jouer) Example of -IR Verbs (Finir) Example of -RE Verbs (Rendre)
je -ai je jouerai je finirai je rendrai
tu -as tu joueras tu finiras tu rendras
il/elle/on -a il/elle/on jouera il/elle/on finira il/elle/on rendra
nous -ons nous jouerons nous finirons nous rendrons
vous -ez vous jouerez vous finirez vous rendrez
ils/elles -ont ils/elles joueront ils/elles finiront ils/elles rendront

Irregular Stems

Infintive Examples with Stems Stems
Aller (To go) J’irai (I will go) ir-
Être (To be) Je serai (I will be) ser-
Avoir (To have) J’aurai (I will have) aur-
Faire (To do / make) Je ferai (I will do / make) fer-