Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Conditional Tense

Si Clauses

Si + Present + Future (SPF)

This construction is used for events that are likely to take place. The present tense follows the si clause, as it is the situation that is required before the other action (future) can occur.


French English
S’il falt beau, nous irons à la plage. If the weather is nice, we will go to the beach.
Je te téléphoneral si jai le temps. I will call you if I have the time.
Elle achètera la jupe si elle a assez d’argent. She will buy the skirt if she has enough money.

Si + Imperfect + Conditional (SIC)

This construction is used for events that are unlikely to take place. The imperfect tense follows the si clause, as it is the situation that is required before the other action (conditional) could occur


| French | English | |-|-| | Si tu me disais la vérité, je te croirais. | If you told me the truth, I would believe you. | | Si je gagnais au Loto, je partirais en vacances aux Caraibes. | If I won the lottery, I would go on holiday to the Caribbean. | | J’achèterais une belle voiture, si J’avais assez d’argent. | I would buy a nice car, if I had enough money. |