Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Key Moments

  1. Jack’s Birthday at the start of the novel is a key moment that sets the scene and the tone for the novel. Jack shows everything now he is five
  2. When Jack makes the Jeep move and it falls on Old Nick’s head Old Nick automatically thinks that Ma is trying to escape and he strangles her
  3. When Ma tells Jacks about “Outside” and she tries to explain about hpw they came to be in Room

Key Moments In Presents Section

Jack tries to show Old Nick that he appreciates the present of the Jeep. Jack turns it on and makes it move when Old Nick is asleep in bed with Ma. Old Nick thinks he is being attacked and that Ma is trying to escape so he grabs Ma, holds her down and strangles Ma, we know this because she has marks on her neck the next day. He punishes Ma and Jack by turning off the electricity to Room.