Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Characters in Macbeth



A Brave + Loyal General

A brave + loyal general exhibits hubris the great man overreaches his ambitions in the early scenes Shakespeare establishes Macbeth as a valued member of society, the saviour of his country . His bravery + soldiership are stressed by several speakers. He is ‘brave Macbeth’, ‘noble Macbeth’ and ‘Bellona’s bridegroom’. Even though these accounts recount his heroism there is also a darker side of Macbeth which is alluded to Barbaric ferocity about the descriptions of his achievements on the battlefield. The Macbeth that is admired carries a sword that smokes with bloody execution, he rips his enemy open hacks his way through the massed ranks of the opposing armies. Lady Macbeth his ambition by unlawful means he lacks the ruthless, evil touch she associates with successful men.

A Reluctant Criminal

Macbeth - Fully Responsible Agent?



Lady Macbeth


He is introduced as a comrade of Macbeth and of equal status, he is a war hero. He serves as a foil of Macbeth. They both hear prophecies from the witches, but he doesn’t act on the information he received like Macbeth. Banquo becomes suspicious of Macbeth following the murder of Duncan because he knows of the prophecy

Banquo meets his untimely death at the hands of a hitman because he knows about the prophecy and could pose a threat to Macbeth and his tyranny