Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Them Ducks Died for Ireland by Paula Meehan

“6 of our waterfowl were killed or shot, 7 of the garden
seats broken and about 300 shrubs destroyed.”
Park Superintendent in his report on the damage to
St. Stephen’s Green, during the Easter Rising 1916

Time slides slowly down the sash window
puddling in light on oaken boards. The Green
is a great lung, exhaling like breath on the pane
the seasons’ turn, sunset and moonset, the ebb and flow

of stars. And once made mirror to smoke and fire,
a Republic’s destiny in a Countess’ stride,
the bloodprice both summons and antidote to pride.
When we’ve licked the wounds of history, wounds of war,

we’ll salute the stretcher bearer, the nurse in white,
the ones who pick up the pieces, who endure,
who live at the edge, and die there and are known

by this archival footnote read by fading light;
fragile as a breathmark on the windowpane or the gesture
of commemorating heroes in bronze and stone.


Poetic Techniques

Rhyme + Structure

Tone + Mood

