Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Example Question & Answer


“In many texts, a theme or issue may not be resolved to the complete satisfaction of the reader”

Discuss the extent to which a theme or issue is resolved to your satisfaction in one text on your comparative course


The text I have studied as part of my comparative course is “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. The theme that is resolved to my satisfaction in this text is the role of women.

Throughout the play Ibsen’s female characters conform to the gender specific roles that the society at that time would find acceptable Mrs. Linde works because she is a widow, Anne Marie, the nanny has given up her own child so she can work. Nora reveals that she did engage in some work but as far as her husband knows it was work that was considered “women’s work”, sewing and embroidery.

However, Ibsen challenges society’s view of women and the role of women in the character of Nora. Nora had secretly borrowed money, which was not appropriate at that time, in order to save her husband. She also works behind her husband’s back doing copying work in order to make repayments, she was providing and caring for her family something that was considered a “man’s job”, she even comments that she felt great working like a man.

Finally, Ibsen resolves the theme of the role of women when Nora, stands up to what society’s view of women should be and leaves not only her husband but her family in order to find out who she is