Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert


2021: Comparative Study A: Theme or Issue

  1. a. Identify a theme or issue you studied on your comparative course. Discuss the various reasons why you did or did not find the exploration of this theme or issue emotionally engaging in one text on your comparative course. Support your response with reference to the text. (30)

b. Compare the reasons why you found the exploration of the same theme or issue discussed above, more, less or equally emotionally engaging in each of two other texts you studied on your comparative course. Develop your response with reference to your chosen texts. (40)


  1. Compare the insights you gained into the same theme or issue through understanding what influences or motivates one central character, from each of at least two texts on your comparative course, when making one or more key decisions. Develop your response with reference to your chosen texts. The insight or insights you gain into the same theme or issue from different texts may be similar or different.

Question 1. A Answer

A theme or issue that I have studied as part of my comparative course is control and violence. This theme is one of the main themes in the text Room written by Emma Donoghue. I found the exploration of this themeemotionally engaging throughout Room.

Donoghue locates the setting of the text in a shed, the premise of the novel is centred around two characters Ma and Jack and how they are held captive, abused, controlled their escape and eventual reintegration into society

We see control being used when Ma and Jack have to rely on Old Nick to provide food for them once a week. They also have to ask for vitamins or painkillers as Sunday treat. The fact they need Old Nick to give them food puts them in a more vulnerable situation, which is explored when Old Nick cuts off the electricity to Room and fails to bring food.

Violence is also utilised against Ma in order for Old Nick to maintain the power imbalance and to get what he wants. When _