Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert


These flashcards came from this link on Studyclix

Computational Thinking

Term Definition
Computational Thinking Using techniques such as abstraction, decomposition, and algorithmic thinking to solve a complex problem
Abstraction Picking out the most important elements of a problem and ignoring the irrelevant details
Decomposition Breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable problems
Algorithm A series of logical steps which can be taken to solve a problem
Pseudocode A simplified coding language without any specific syntax
Flowchart A diagram used to show a process. Often used to show algorithm functionality using shapes and arrows.
Variable A data value that can be changed
Constant A data value that always remains the same

Agent-Based Modelling

Term Definition
Agent-based Modelling A simulation method to examine interaction between a group of ‘agents’ in order to understand their behaviour
Model A representation of a real-life system or situation using technology
Agent In the context of ABMs, the agent makes decisions based on the environment they are in
Emergent behaviour A behaviour noticed when a group of agents are observed interacting with each other


Term Definition
American Standard Code for Information Interchange A character set more commonly known as ASCII
ASCII The most popular English character set which represents 128 different characters using 7-bit binary codes
Extended ASCII Uses 8-bit binary codes, allowing for the representation of 128 more characters than the original ASCII character
Unicode A character set which can represent emojis and characters from most major world languages

Communication Protocols

Term Definition
Protocol A set of rules which determine the way data is transmitted across a network
HTTP Protocol seen at the beginning of a web address used communicate with a web server
HTTPS Secure version of HTTP. Necessary for online payments and access to online banking
Internet Protocol Governs the sending of data over the Internet
VoIP Sends voice data over the Internet. Used in many communication applications such as Skype and WhatsApp
Transmission Control Protocol Ensures correct transmission of data packets over a network
MAC address An address that is used to identify a device on a network
Uniform Resource Locator The unique address of a web page or resource on the Web

Computers and Society

Term Definition
Artificial Intelligence Enabling computers to carry out tasks that humans do, to the same standard as a human
Machine Learning Computer systems and programs gradually becoming more accurate and precise without direct input from a programmer
Alan Turing The developer of the Turing Machine (an important mathematical machine in the development of computers as they are today)
Augmented Reality An enhanced version of the real world created using technology
A-0 The first high-level programming language, created by Grace Hopper in 1953
Cloud Computing Using services hosted on the Internet
Von Neumann Architecture The most common computer architecture used. It is composed of the CPU, input and output devices, a bus and memory
Cryptography The encryption and decoding of messages sent through a computer


Term Definition
Ethics The morals that govern the decisions we make (i.e. what is considered to be right and wrong)
Stakeholder Someone who has interest in or is affected by a particular situation
Environment Where we live and our surroundings (which we must aim to conserve and protect
Tim Berners-Lee The inventor of the World Wide Web (1989)
Censorship The controlling of what people can view on the Internet
Surveillance The monitoring of what people are viewing on the Internet
Cyberbullying The use of social media to intentionally cause harm to someone else
General Data Protection Regulation Act An act brought in to protect people’s personal information when it is collected and processed


Term Definition
Binary Base 2 number system. Represented by the digits 1 and 0
Denary Base 10 number system, also known as decimal. The number system we use in daily life (1,2,3,4,5,etc.)
Hexadecimal Base 16 number system. Represented by digits 1-9 and letters A-F
Bit One single binary digit (1 or 0)
Nibble 4 bits (binary digits)
Byte 8 bits (binary digits)
Kilobyte 1024 bytes
Megabyte 1024 kilobytes
Gigabyte 1024 megabytes
Terabyte 1024 gigabytes
Petabyte 1024 terabytes
Data type Used to classify data based on its intended use. (E.g. strings are used to store text whilst integers and floats are used for number data)
String Data type used to store text (such as names and surnames)
Integer Data type used to store positive and negative whole numbers
Float Data type used to store numbers with decimal points. Also known as a floating point number
Boolean Data type used for true/false statements

Key Abbreviations

Term Definition
AI Artificial Intelligence
ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BIOS Basic Input Output System
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CSV Comma-separated values
GB Gigabyte
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GUI Graphical User Interface
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
JS JavaScript
KB Kilobyte
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
MB Megabyte
OS Operation System
PC Personal Computer
PNG Portable Network Graphics
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UI User Interface
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
WAN Wide Area Network
WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers
WWW World Wide Web

Software Design and Development

Term Definition
User-centred Design A design process that prioritises the needs and wants of the user
Universal Design The designing of a product so that anyone can use it
User Interface What the user sees and interacts with when using a device
IDE Integrated Development Environment
Iteration The repetition of steps in a process
High-level Programming Language Programming language that is easy to write in for humans. It must be converted into machine code for the computer to understand it
Recursion When an algorithm (or function) calls itself until a particular condition (termination condition) is met
SQL Structured Query Language

World Wide Web and Internet

Term Definition
World Wide Web A system of connected files and web pages hosted on the Internet
Internet A global network of networks which connects devices all over the world
Cloud A server which utilises the Internet to store files and data