Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

23. Ethical, Social AND Environmental Responsibility

Learning Outcomes from this chapter

On completion, you should be able to:

Business Ethics

These are a set of moral rules and standards that provide guidelines for right and truthful behaviour in business situations when a business is engaging with its various stakeholders

How a business can improve its business ethics

Reward whistleblowing Encourage staff to report unethical behaviour they see in the workplace
Establish a code of ethics Create a formal written statement outlining the expected moral behaviours within the business
Offer ethics training Provide induction/regular training on ethics, and how to improve them
Discipline poor behaviour Fine, demote or dismiss staff for breaches of the company’s code of ethics
Carry out an ethical audit Appoint an external company to identify areas for improvement and issue a report with recommendations
Highlight role models Reward good behaviour

Benefits and challenges of introducing a code of ethics



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

It is duty of a business to treat everyone they come into contact with honestly and fairly, making a positive contribution to the environment they operate in

CSR of a company to its stakeholders

Investors Honest and transparent reporting of the company’s financial position; pay out reasonable dividends based on profits
Employees Pay a fair wage; provide proper working conditions and hours
Customers Be honest in advertising and when informing the consumer about ingredients, processes and sustainability of materials; ensure customers are not misled or hurt in any way
Suppliers Follow a fair tendering process; pay promptly; avoid taking on too much credit
Government Pay tax owed to Revenue in full and on time; obey the law

Characteristics of an environmentally conscious business

Seek advice Consult with stakeholders, look for help/information from the EPA
Be Honest Report all accidents/breaches and take responsibility for them
Provide training Make staff aware of environmental responsibilities; provide resources
Minimise waste 4 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover); no illegal dumping of waste
Be open to change Update and improve processes, packaging, recycling
Renewable energy Use solar or wind energy instead of non-renewable fossil fuels (e.g. gas or oil)
Sustainable development Change products/processes to avoid overusing non-renewables
Cleaner processes Remove excess packaging and waste; use durable inputs to prolong life
Code of ethics Create a formal written statement that sets out the expected modes of behaviour in relation to the environment and local community
Reduce pollution Reduce emissions; prevent accidental releases of gases; aim for pollution prevention, rather than pollution control
Greener products Invest in research to develop new products that are less harmful for the environment

How meeting social, ethical and environmental responsibilities affects a business

Impact on business costs:

Impact on business revenue: