Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

21. Business, the Economy and Government

Learning Outcomes from this chapter

Economic Variables

Different economic variables affect the economy, businesses, consumers and the government:

  1. Inflation
  2. Interest rates
  3. Employment
  4. Exchange rates
  5. Taxation

1. Inflation

Inflation Sustained increase in the general level of prices over a period of time
Deflation Decrease in the general level of prices in two consecutive quarters

Potential impact of high inflation rates on the Irish economy

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2. Interest Rates

The cost of borrowing money expressed as a percentage of amount borrowed

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3. Employment Levels

Unemployment = Percentage of labour force not currently employed

Benefits and challenges of low unemployment levels



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4. Exchange Rates

The price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency

What happens if sterling (£) weakens against the euro (€)?

Sterling would not buy as much euro as it did before, so sterling has weaker purchasing power in the exchange rate

This can:

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5. Taxation

Direct tax Tax on earnings/income (e.g. PAYE, USC, corporation tax)
Indirect tax Tax on spending and consumption (e.g. VAT, SSDT, excise duties)

What are the impacts on Irish business if the government changes tax rates?

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How the government creates a climate for business

Government expenditure Increase or decrease capital: one-off expenditure (e.g. build a school) and current/day-to-day expenditure (e.g. wages)
Government agencies Enterprise Ireland, Industrial Development Agency, LEOs
Government taxation Can change tax rates to encourage or discourage certain behaviours; can introduce new taxes (e.g. SSDT)
Government grants Issue financial grants to aid expansion in certain industries or lines of work through LEOs, Enterprise Ireland and IDA
Government regulations Adjust or introduce new laws (e.g. environmental, data protection)