Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Human Defense System (Immune System)

A pathogen is a micro-organism that cause disease

Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist infection

Friendly bacteria produces vitamins B and K

An antigen are foreign proteins that cause an immune reaction (or antibody production)

An antibody are a defence protein produced in response to an antigen

How each of the following function in the general defence system

How each of the following function in the second line of general defence:

(Induced) Specific defense system is protection gained by detection of antigens and production of antibodies

Active immunity: When the body produces its own antibodies

Passive immunity: Antibodies are introduced to the body

3 Organs specific to immune system

  1. Spleen
  2. Thymus
  3. Lymph Nodes

Vaccination is a dead microbe injection into the body that triggers antibodies, but does not cause disease

Immunisation: Protection against a specific pathogen by vaccination

The difference between monocytes and lymphocytes in the specific immune system

There are two types of lymphocytes

  1. B lymphocytes (B cells)
  2. T lymphocytes (T cells)

The difference between B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes in terms of where they mature

Two types of B lymphocytes

  1. Plasma B Cells - Make large amount of antibodies
  2. Memory B Cells - Memorise the characteristics of the antigen that activated the B cells

T cells act in one of four processes:

Describe the role of the two types of B lymphocytes:

Describe the role of the four types of T lymphocytes: