Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert


Definition: Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment for our cells

Simple aquatic organisms (like Amoeba and seaweeds) obtain their food, water and oxygen directly from the water that surrounds them


More complex organisms carry their own internal sea inside them (the tissue fluid), which is in contact with all the living cells of the body

Tissue Fluid


Homeostasis means “controlling internal conditions”

Waste products need to be removed — how?

Waste Product How it’s made and removed
CO2 “Produced by respiration (release of energy from food), removed via lungs”
Urea “Produced by liver breaking down amino acids, removed by kidneys and transferred to bladder”

Internal conditions need controlling — how?

Internal Condition How it’s controlled
Temperature “Increased by shivering, decreased by sweating”
Ion (salts and sugars) content “Increased by eating, lost by sweating + urine”
Water content “Increased by drinking, lost by sweating + urine”
Blood glucose Increased and decreased by hormones

Why Do We Need Homeostasis

Homeostasis is necessary if an organism is to be independent of its surroundings, and if it’s metabolism is to function efficiently

Most homeostatic mechanisms work by negative feedback, i.e. if there is a change away from the normal optimum value, action is automatically taken to reverse this change


Homeostasis - Temperature Regulation

Temperature influences the rate of enzyme-controlled reactions that sustain life

Mammals and birds are endotherms (warm blooded): they have a fairly constant body temperature

Temperature Regulation 1

They can operate in low temperature environments, as they can keep the rate of enzyme activity high

Most animals are ectotherms (cold blooded) - their body temperature varies with the external temperature e.g. fish, amphibians, reptiles

Temperature Regulation 2


Controlling Body Temperature

Controlling Body Temperature

Body temperature is controlled by the thermo-regulatory centre in the brain. It is kept at 37°C as this is the best temperature for enzymes to work in. If the body becomes too hot then blood vessels dilate and sweat glands release sweat. If the body is too cold then blood vessels constrict and muscles start to shiver.

Homeostasis - Body Temperature

Homeostasis - Water Levels in the Body

Water is lost from the body through a number of ways:

Water Levels in the Body

The Urinary System

Homeostasis - Plants

Plants 1

The loss of water is reduced by a waxy cuticle and by the closing of the stomata [pores] on the lower surface of the leaf

Plants 2

Plants 3