Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert


​Definition: Respiration is the release of energy from food​ ​

Types of Respiration​

Aerobic Respiration​

Word Equation: Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

Energy Carriers

There are two main groups of Energy Carriers

Group 1

Remember ATP is a source of energy for most cell reactions

ATP stores energy and transfers it to where it is needed

Group 2


ATP + water -> ADP + P + energy i.e. Respiration

Aerobic Respiration

Aerobic Respiration occurs in 2 stages:

Aerobic Respiration Image

Cytosol = Cytoplasm without the organelles

Stage 1 - Glycolysis​

Glycolysis 1

Glucose C6H12O6

Pyruvate = Pyruvic acid

Glycolysis 2

Stage 2 - Lumen and Mitochondrian

Stage 2 has two parts:

  1. Kreb Cycle
  2. Electron Transport System

1. Kreb Cycle

Krebs Cycle

NADH & CO2 (Main products formed)

2. Electron Transport System

Electron Transport System

Anaerobic Respiration

(also known as fermentation)

If oxygen is not present, the pyruvic acid (pyruvate) is converted into either lactic acid or ethanol and CO2

Anaerobic Respiration

Lactate Fermentation Note: cheese, yoghurt production. 2. Lactic Acid - stitch after exercise

Alcoholic Fermentation Note: Sugar –yeast–> Alcohol + CO2

Anaerobic Respiration = Fermentation​

As only stage 1 is involved in anaerobic respiration it only occurs in the cytosol

Lactic Acid Fermentation

Industrial Fermentation​

Advantages of Immobilised Cells​

Differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration​

  Aerobic Anaerobic
Location Cytoplasm and Lumen and Cristae of mitochondria Cytoplasm
Oxygen Requirements Use O2 Doesn’t use O2
End Products CO2 + H2O Ethanol + CO2 or Lactic Acid
Energy Produced Lots of energy​ (38 ATP) Little energy (2 ATP)

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