Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Cell Division

Syllabus - Objectives (OL)

Cell Continuity

Definition: Cell continuity (= cell division) means that all cells develop from pre-existing cells

3 steps to form a new cell

  1. Produce materials it will need
  2. Grow larger
  3. Reproduce to form a new cell


The Cell in Interphase


Human Karyotype


Definition: A Haploid cell has one set of each type of chromosomes, ie. has only one set of each type of chromosomes in the nucleus

Haploid is symbolised by letter 'n' and number of chromosomes in the cell is given as n=23

In humans, eggs and sperm are haploid n=23



Definition: A diploid cell has two sets of each type of chromosomes, ie. It has two of each type of chromosome in the nucleus

Chromosomes are in pairs in diploid cell, called homologous pairs. (Both chromosomes same size and shape)

(Homologous = same length, similar)

Diploid is symbolised as ‘2n’ and total no. of chromosomes in cell is given as 2n=46. This means there are 23 pairs of chromosomes


Definition: A triploid cell has three sets of chromosomes

Somatic Cells

Somatic Cells -> Diploid Sex Cells -> Haploid


Cell Cycle

The Cell Cycle




Definition: Mitosis is a form of nucleur division in which one nucleus divides to form two nuclei, each containing identical sets of chromosomes

Two new cells called daughter cells and they are IDENTICAL to each other

Stages of Mitosis (4 in total)

Stage 1 Prophase (HL)


Stage 2 Metaphase (HL)


Stage 3 Anaphase (HL)


Stage 4 Telophase (HL)

Mitosis is complete

Once complete, original cell divides to form 2 cells. In reality there are 5 stages - see Pg 123 (of textbook) Cytokinesis


Stages of Mitosis

Mitosis 1


Mitosis 2

Functions of Mitosis

In Unicellilar Organisms

In Multicellular Organisms


Benign tumours

Definition: Cancer occurs when certain cells lose their ability to control the rate of mitosis

Malignant tumours

Causes of Cancer


Meiosis (2nd Type of Cell Division)


Functions of Meiosis

2 functions in Multicellular Organisms

Differences between mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis Meiosis
Produces two daughter cells Produces four cells
The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent The daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as the parent
The daughter cells are genetically identical The daughter cells are genetically different

Higher Level

A sentence to help you remember the 4 stages of mitosis (HL)

Letter (Word) What Letter Stands for
I Interphase
P(arty) Prophase
M(onday) Metaphase
A(nd) Anaphase
T(uesday) Telophase