Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Characteristics of Life - Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
Anabolism Chemical reaction where smaller molecules are joined together to form larger molecules
Catabolism Chemical reaction where larger molecules are broken down to smaller molecules
Cell Basic structural unit of a living organism (that possesses its characteristics)
Continuity of life The ability of organisms to exist from one generation to the next
Egestion Removal of unabsorbed material from the body
Excretion Removal of the waste products of metabolisms
[Characteristics of] Life Common features that separate living things from non-living things (organisation, nutrition, excretion, response & reproduction)
Metabolism All the chemical reactions taking place in living organisms
Nutrition The obtaining or making of food by living organisms
Reproduction The creating of new individuals of its own kind by an organism (by either sexual or asexual means)
Response The reacting of an organism to stimuli