Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and Anki Decks for the Leaving Cert

Title: To Prepare and examine plant (onion) cells, unstained and stained, using the light microscope



  1. Set up microscope
  2. Place a drop of water on a slide
  3. Cut the onion in half and locate some epidermal tissue
  4. Peel off the epidermis with forceps
  5. Cut it into small pieces
  6. Put these pieces into water in a Petri dish
  7. Transfer one piece into the drop of water on the slide using the small paintbrush
  8. Place a cover slip at the edge of the water at an angle 45ยบ to the slide
  9. Slowly lower the cover slip onto the water, supporting it with a mounted needle to avoid trapping air bubbles
  10. Dry the slide with absorbent paper
  11. Examine under the microscope
  12. Repeat the above steps using iodine stain instead of water
  13. Draw labelled diagrams at low power (x40) and at high power (x400)

Labelled Diagrams

Labelled Diagram 1

Labelled Diagram 2

Labelled Diagram 3


We were able to prepare, see and identify the cells and parts of the cell in the onion

Cell Pictures