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ID Oneida English Audio File
43 Nikaha:wi̲ Time
79 Ʌyólhʌn̲e̲’ Tomorrow
455 ʌyolhʌne̲ tomorrow
80 tsi’niwʌhnisló:tʌ̲ The kind of day
81 Tekni yawʌlé: niwʌhnítake nén tsyohslát There are twelve months in one year.
82 Tó: kati’ né: niwʌhnítake nén tsyohslát How many months in one year?
83 Hʌ nʌ kyok kwi tsyohslát sʌha’ wa’yukwakstʌhane̲’ Yes, we are one year older.
88 tsyohslát one year
89 swʌhnítat one month
90 swʌ:tát one week
91 swahsútat one night
92 swʌhnisláte̲ one day
93 kwa’suteke̲ night time
94 kwʌ’teke̲ day time
95 astehtsi̲’ morning
96 yo’kalas evening
792 tó:niyohwistaé what time is it?
793 wa’yólhʌne̲ come morning
794 kwahsutati all night
795 tayolhʌ’hati coming daylight
796 ahsuthu̲ midnight
67 Yautʌtá:u nén thé:tʌ̲ Yesterday was Monday.
68 Náhte’ káti’ nén thé:tʌ̲ What was yesterday?
69 Hʌ nu’uwa’ nén wiskatút Yes, today is Friday.
70 Sanúhte’ kʌ náhte’ nu’uwa’ niwʌhnisló:tʌ̲ Do you know what kind of day it is today?
452 ʌyokalawe̲’ tonight
551 tho’nʌ: next

Days of the Week

ID Oneida English Audio File
77 Yautʌtá:u Monday
76 Teknihatút Tuesday
75 Ahsʌhatút Wednesday
74 Kayelihatút Thursday
73 Wiskatút Friday
72 Ʌtakta Saturday
71 Yautatokʌ́htu̲ Sunday
78 thé:tʌ̲: yesterday


ID Oneida English Audio File
783 Teyakohúhtyaks wʌhni’tatati freezing ears month - January
707 Teyakohúhtya’ks January (someone’s ears are freezing)
696 Tsha’tekohsélha̲’ February (Midwinter)
697 Tewʌhníslya’ks March (the day is cut in two)
698 Wahsakayu:té:se̲’ April (it’s thundering)
699 Latiyʌ́thos May (they plant)
700 Awʌhíhte̲’ June (strawberries)
701 Ohyótshel̲i̲’ July (green beans)
702 Onʌ́stase̲’ August (new corn)
703 Yeyʌthókwas September (someone harvests)
704 Yutékhwayʌh̲e̲’ October (someone store’s food)
705 Tehutʌnuhela:túh̲e̲’ November (they give thanks)
706 Wahsu:tés December (it’s a long night)


ID Oneida English Audio File
44 Kukwí:te̲ Spring
537 kohslake:ne̲’ Winter


ID Oneida English Audio File
97 Hʌ é:so ki’ kanyé:yʌ̲ Yes there is a lot of snow (on the ground)
100 ónyʌte̲’ snow
105 yohtánawʌ atslunya’khwa̲ warm clothing
106 teyonyo’kwatá:se̲ Snow is twirling around.
108 kanyé:yʌ̲ there is snow on the ground
109 yothó:le̲ it is cold
101 teyulahtakwanéta’asta̲ over shoes
102 teyóhsehs ahta’shúha̲ high top shoes
127 Takʌ’ ʌsesa’nikulhʌ tsi’ ʌsatste’ yunihtyákta̲ Don’t forget to wear the scarf.
128 Ʌsatste’ kwi: anyá:nawʌ̲ you wear gloves
130 Ʌwá:tu ki’ onyʌtá:ke ʌtwatnutolyahte̲’ we can play on the snow
131 Nok ʌwá:tu nén kohsla’kekha’ atslunyá:khwa’ ʌtwatste̲’ we now have to wear winter clothing
132 Wata’klokwaskó: wʌhni’tatati’ latina’tukhwa’ nén lotikstʌhoku the elders call it the big snow moon.
133 Nʌ ki’ tsi’ nihatika:latuhe’ wʌhni’tatati it is now Storytelling Moon
134 teyohsi:tute̲ longjohns
135 wata’klokwaskó: wʌhni’tatati big snow moon
136 latikalatuhe’ wʌhni’tatati storytelling moon
497 kohsla’kekha’ atslunyá:k̲h̲w̲a̲’ winter clothing
498 kohsla’kekha’ atyá:tawiht winter jacket
499 kohsla’kekha’ a’nhuskwál̲h̲a̲’ winter pants
723 tho ni yót tsi’ satsluni yotholé nu’u:wa̲’ you dress warm it’s cold today
639 Tsi’ na’teyowihskwat owaháke̲ The road is slippery
640 Tsi’ na’teyohwísute’ atste̲ It is icy outside
641 yonu’uti snow pellets
642 yowisúti ice pellets
643 teyohwískwat it is slippery
644 teyohwísute̲’ it is icy