502 |
Onʌyota’a:ká: niwakuhutsyó:tʌ̲ |
Oneida is my nation |
505 |
Onʌyota’a:ká: ukwehuwé:ne nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ |
Oneida reserve is where I live |
506 |
Clara yohatati tsi’ nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ |
Clara road is where I live on |
508 |
Onʌyota’á:ka Lutwʌnutakhwa’ Kʌtyohkwayʌ tsi’ nú: yekatawyá:th̲a̲’ |
Oneida Language Centre is where I go to school |
33 |
shakotiyenashn̲e̲ |
police station |
34 |
yutenata’asta̲ |
gas station |
35 |
latinakle’ tehutlásta’ |
community centre |
36 |
yutatlihunyʌní:tha̲’ |
school |
37 |
teyukhiyatlihwakanelha’ thatítlu’ |
band office |
38 |
yutlʌnayʌtakhwa̲ |
church |
39 |
kʌ’nihʌná:sa tethuwatisnyétha̲’ |
daycare |
40 |
tethutkʌnyé:tha̲’ |
fairgrounds |
41 |
kalihunyʌnitsla’ lonatstelistu lati’tlu’ |
Education office |
42 |
twaskóhu̲ |
bridge |
223 |
Tyutatlihunyʌní:tha’ wahne’ |
They are going to the school. |
224 |
Kátsha’ nu: wá:ne’ tehniksa |
Where are the two boys going? |
225 |
Tyutekhunyá:tha’ wa’yako |
We are going to the restaurant. |
226 |
Kátsha’ nu: weso |
Where are all of you going? |
227 |
Tyutʌhni:núhe’ wa’yako |
We are going to the store |
228 |
Kátsha’ nu: wesene̲ |
Where are you two going? |
229 |
Ukwehuwé:ne wáhke̲’ |
I am going to the reserve. |
230 |
Kátsha’ nu: wáhse̲’ |
Where are you going? |
231 |
Kanatá:ke ni: teknákehl̲e̲ |
I reside in town |
232 |
Ukwehuwé:ne ni: teknákehl̲e̲ |
I reside on the reserve. |
233 |
ukwehú:w̲e̲ |
original person |
234 |
Kátsha’ nu: tesnákehl̲e̲ |
Where do you reside? |
797 |
lutlʌnayʌnese̲’ |
they go to church |
64 |
Wahsatlʌnayʌna káti’ kʌ nén yautatókʌhtan̲e̲’ |
Are you going to church on Sunday? |
65 |
Tah Ʌtakta ki’ nʌ thoyʌhʌ́ke̲ |
No, I will go on Saturday. |
66 |
Kanatá:ke kʌ wahse’ nén ʌyólhʌn̲e̲’ |
Are you going to town tomorrow? |