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ID Oneida English Audio File
502 Onʌyota’a:ká: niwakuhutsyó:tʌ̲ Oneida is my nation
505 Onʌyota’a:ká: ukwehuwé:ne nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ Oneida reserve is where I live
506 Clara yohatati tsi’ nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ Clara road is where I live on
508 Onʌyota’á:ka Lutwʌnutakhwa’ Kʌtyohkwayʌ tsi’ nú: yekatawyá:th̲a̲’ Oneida Language Centre is where I go to school
33 shakotiyenashn̲e̲ police station
34 yutenata’asta̲ gas station
35 latinakle’ tehutlásta’ community centre
36 yutatlihunyʌní:tha̲’ school
37 teyukhiyatlihwakanelha’ thatítlu’ band office
38 yutlʌnayʌtakhwa̲ church
39 kʌ’nihʌná:sa tethuwatisnyétha̲’ daycare
40 tethutkʌnyé:tha̲’ fairgrounds
41 kalihunyʌnitsla’ lonatstelistu lati’tlu’ Education office
42 twaskóhu̲ bridge
223 Tyutatlihunyʌní:tha’ wahne’ They are going to the school.
224 Kátsha’ nu: wá:ne’ tehniksa Where are the two boys going?
225 Tyutekhunyá:tha’ wa’yako We are going to the restaurant.
226 Kátsha’ nu: weso Where are all of you going?
227 Tyutʌhni:núhe’ wa’yako We are going to the store
228 Kátsha’ nu: wesene̲ Where are you two going?
229 Ukwehuwé:ne wáhke̲’ I am going to the reserve.
230 Kátsha’ nu: wáhse̲’ Where are you going?
231 Kanatá:ke ni: teknákehl̲e̲ I reside in town
232 Ukwehuwé:ne ni: teknákehl̲e̲ I reside on the reserve.
233 ukwehú:w̲e̲ original person
234 Kátsha’ nu: tesnákehl̲e̲ Where do you reside?
797 lutlʌnayʌnese̲’ they go to church
64 Wahsatlʌnayʌna káti’ kʌ nén yautatókʌhtan̲e̲’ Are you going to church on Sunday?
65 Tah Ʌtakta ki’ nʌ thoyʌhʌ́ke̲ No, I will go on Saturday.
66 Kanatá:ke kʌ wahse’ nén ʌyólhʌn̲e̲’ Are you going to town tomorrow?

Being Somewhere

ID Oneida English Audio File
1 Tho yʌkéhseke’ Will you be there?
2 Kátsha’ yʌséhseke’ Where will you be?
3 tho kʌ yeheséskwe’ Were you there?
4 Kátsha’ nu: nihséhskwe’ Where were you?
5 Kátsha’ nihséhse̲’ Where are you?
6 Yah tho tyakésheke’ I won’t be there
7 yah tho tyehekéskwe’ I was not there
8 Tho yehekéhskwe’ I was there
9 Kʌ tho i:kéhse̲’ I am here