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Greetings & Goodbyes

ID Oneida English Audio File
686 shékoli hello
546 shekoli ohniyotuháti hello, how’s it going?
561 Shekolí tsi’ ni wakatshánu:ni̲ hello I am so happy
542 náhte’ yesa:yáts what is your name?
541 shekoli Barbara ní: yukyats hello, my name is Barbara
503 Thiwésa ní: yukyáts Thiwésa is my name
543 yah te’wakata’kalíte̲ I am not well
544 wakata’kalité: ki I am well
545 sata’kalíte: kʌ are you well?
196 Hʌ ok ni’í:se̲ Yes, how about you?
547 wakatshanu:ní tsi’ sakúk I am happy to see you
548 sʌnʌsliyóste̲’ (you) have a good day
549 nʌki’wah see you again (goodbye)
507 Tsyá:tak niwashʌ watlu’ na’tewakohsliyá:ku̲ seventy nine is how old I am
152 kayelihatut kwi ʌskuk see you Thursday
810 yawʌ’kó: a big thank you
811 yó: your welcome
481 shekoli skʌna’kó: kʌ́ hello, are you at peace?
476 isi’ yonhakalú:te̲ there is the door