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ID Oneida English Audio File
10 Hao’ swatekhú:ni̲ All of you, come and eat
11 Owistóhsehli’ kʌ tesatuhutsyu:ni̲ do you want butter?
12 tesatuhutsyuni kʌ kʌ́tsi’ Do you want fish?
13 katuhkályaks kih I am hungry
16 Tʌsnanátalihte’ kʌ khále’ ʌsnatsihalʌ kʌ otsíhkwa̲’ Are you going to mash potatoes and cook turnips?
21 kakhwahé:le̲’ feast
23 loti’khwaká:te̲’ they have lots of food
24 kakhwaku good food
25 skawihlowane’ o’wá:lu̲’ turkey meat
26 wa’yathoku a lot of pies
27 watna’talú:takwe̲’ homemade bread
28 tekananatalí:tu̲ mashed potatoes
29 otsíhkwa̲’ turnip
30 onu’uslakó: wá:yat pumpkin pie
31 o:nʌstáse’ wʌhnitatati month of new corn
32 Tho niyotityóhwake’ nén oshaheta̲ How many groups of beans is there?
18 Sate’wahlutá:ne’ kʌ skawihló:wan̲e̲’ Are you going to roast a turkey?
258 swahyó:wan̲e̲’ apple
260 lutekhwaní:nuhe̲’ food vendors
263 To: niku onu’usehle’ tʌkʌ:sel̲e̲’ How many pickles do you want me to peel?
264 Ne: kwí tʌ sla’wistakʌsehle’ onu’usehl̲e̲’ You should peel the cucumbers.
265 Tʌsatnu’uslahyo:tsiste’ kʌ Are you going to make salted pickles?
266 Hʌ: ikelhe’ ki’ akatayalit yotshe’tʌ́:tu:h̲e̲’ Yes I want to can some pears.
267 ʌsatayalite’ kʌ nu’uwa̲’ Are you going to can fruit this time?
268 satá:yaliht can fruit
269 tehsatnu’uhslahyo:tsiste̲’ make dill pickles
270 satahyátat dry the fruit
271 swisto:kwanust káhik freeze the fruit
272 tehsnu’slá:lit cut up the cucumbers
273 sahyohale̲’ wash the fruit
274 ʌslihatet kahik boil the fruit
275 tehsahyakʌ:sel̲ peel the fruit
276 katshetaku setan put in the jar
277 snú:tek put the lid on
278 yutekhwayʌ:he’ nikaha:w̲í̲: storing food time
804 satuhkalyáks kʌh are you hungry?
805 hao’ satekhú:ni̲ come and eat
806 hao’ swatekhú:ni̲ all of you come and eat
807 náhte’ isle’ asék what do you want to eat?
808 náhte’ isle’ asnikí:la̲ what do you want to drink?
815 owistohsehl̲e̲ butter
816 tsyohyó:tsis salt
817 onúkwat pepper
818 ohnaná:ta̲ potato
819 o’walu̲’ meat
820 osahéth̲a̲ beans
821 onʌste̲’ corn
822 ohné:kanus water
823 ohnuta̲ milk
824 swahyó:wan̲e̲ apple
825 tewahyakháni tomato
826 á:nuk onion
827 wá:yat pie
828 kaná:talok (store bought) bread
829 kakhwa’shúh̲a̲ foods
830 yaweku kʌh does it taste good?
831 katsi’nkwalahu:tsi orange
915 onutakeli̲ Sugar
199 kakhwa’shú:h̲a̲ different kinds of foods
200 kutikhu:níhe̲’ the cooks
194 Wakheya’takenhása’ nén kutikhú:ni̲h̲e̲’ I am going to help the cooks.
673 otstókhwi̲’ blueberry
674 o’nʌhalkó: grapes
675 alá:sek elderberry
676 yonu’slaké:tote̲’ squash
677 onú:tsi̲ cabbage
678 onikwʌhtla’ nikahtehló:tʌ̲ beet
679 teyotsho’kwakwe’nú:ni̲ walnuts
680 otsinkhwala’ nikahtehló:tʌ̲ carrots
681 Ʌsatnʌstatate’ kʌ nén onʌhakʌ́:late̲ Are you going to dry the Indian corn?
682 Hʌ: tho’ nʌ ʌwá:tu né: ʌkatlanú:ni̲ Yes, then I can make cornsoup
683 Ʌwá:tu kʌ alá:sek wá:yat ʌsatna’talú:ni̲ Can you make elderberry pie?
684 Ʌsatsható: kʌ nén yonu’slaké:tote̲’ Are you going to bury the squash?
685 Tah oksa’ ki’ né: ʌkna’tishalʌ̲ No, I’m going to boil it right away.
687 tetwatunʌhelá:tu kakhwa’shuha̲ we give thanks for these foods
520 yona’talastátu̲ crackers
521 koskos o’wá:l̲u̲’ bacon or ham (pig meat)
522 kanʌstóhale̲ cornbread
523 yonukwalahní:lʌ̲ cheese
524 teka’walahlihtu (ground) chopped meat
525 ola:n̲á̲ cornsoup
526 tekantlahtayestu̲ salad
138 lonatnekaklitslú:ni the soup is made
519 ate’skutákhw̲a̲’ frying pan
428 tsi’ yekunyatha̲’ kitchen
436 wa’shalowá:n butcher knife
513 tho ya’sa:tí kana:tsyaku̲ you put it in the pot
514 tho ya’sa:tí ate’skutakhwá:slaku̲ you put it in the frying pan
466 awʌhíhte̲’ strawberry
601 teyonutatkitslale’shuh̲a̲ candies or any sweets
610 í:hsle’ kʌ’ sheku usasnikil̲a̲’ do you want more to drink?
366 Hʌ thonʌ wá:yat ʌkatú:ni̲ Yes, then I am going to make pie.
731 yonuhwélhote’ káhik peach
732 káhik fruit
724 ʌtyatekhunyá:na’ kʌ you and I will eat together
725 í:sehle’ kʌ a:shatna’talutʌ swahyó:wane’ wá:yat do you want to bake an apple pie?
727 Thó: nikana’talá:ke̲ how many pies?
728 Wé:ne kwí: kayé: nikana’talá:ke̲ I guess four pies
729 Né: kʌ kwahotoku onutakli’ yʌsá:ti̲ will you make it with real sugar?
345 e:lí̲ cherry
342 wíhsu̲’ plum


ID Oneida English Audio File
688 yehnikihlatha’ ó:wise̲’ drinking glass
689 yehnikihlatha̲’ drinking mug
690 atsí dinner plate
691 atokwat spoon
692 ashale̲’ knife
693 ashekwe̲’ fork
694 yutshokewatha̲’ napkin
695 yutsholyatha̲’ bowl

Strawberry Jam Making

ID Oneida English Audio File
906 Yaweku’ se’wah It sure is good
907 Kwa’ nyo uhte wahyáku The berries must be real good
908 Tákʌ kwi ʌsesa’nikulhʌ yʌsanutaklitslú:ti̲ Don’t forget to add sugar
909 Nʌ ki’ ʌwá:tu ʌtawahyá:lite̲’ We can have mashed berries now
910 Kwah nyo wahyowá:nʌse̲’ The berries are sure big
911 Sanúte’ kʌ tsi’ kʌ’niyohʌtesha’ tsi’ nú: niwatunyá:ta’ nén awʌhíhte̲’ Do you know that strawberries grow on a short plant?
912 Nʌ ki’ yahkahewe’ tsi’ niyuhyawas nén awʌhíhte̲’ It’s now time to pick strawberries.
913 teyonutaklítslale̲’ It’s sweet.
914 yotahyú:ni̲ Lots of berries
916 wahyohwá:nʌse̲’ Big berries
917 wahyáku Good fruit
919 kʌ’niyohʌtésha̲’ Short plant
920 awʌhíhte̲’ Strawberry
459 Atsyók wakahyákha’ awʌhíhte’ ʌwá:tu tʌ:yakwatahyá:lite’ ʌyokalawe̲’ I am going to pick strawberries afterwhile so that we can have some tonight
451 tʌyakwatahyá:lihte̲’ we will have strawberries


ID Oneida English Audio File
484 luhyohkawí:nese̲’ they are fishing
485 latitsyayé:nas they are catching fish
486 kayʌhakta near the river
487 aslí:ye̲ string
488 nʌ ki’ kukwité:ne nʌ ya’kahewe’ tsi’ nihuyohkawiné:se̲ it is now spring, it is time to fish
489 Sanúhte’ kʌ náhte’ lutsta nʌ uhoyóhkawin̲e̲ do you know what they use when they fish?
490 hʌ asliyé: kʌs ataslá:ke wahʌnohalʌ̲ yes they put a string on a stick
491 su’weskwanihe’ kʌ nise: asahyohkawin̲e̲ do you like (enjoy) to fish?
492 hʌ tatki’ wʌhnisli:yo̲ yes if it is a nice day
493 katsha’ kʌs nu: wahsayohkawinesa̲’ where do you go to fish?
494 tho ki’ kahyʌhaku̲ at the river


ID Oneida English Audio File
799 oyá:n doughnut
788 Hʌ ʌkheyuni ki’ nén kheyuhwátʌha yes, I’m going to make one for my niece
789 ʌsatú:ni káti kʌ nén oyá:n kaya’tú:ni̲ are you going to make a doughnut doll?
791 satunya:ne’ kʌ nén oyá:n are you going to make doughnuts?
798 oyá:n kaya’túni̲ doughnut doll

Picking Berries

ID Oneida English Audio File
296 Nʌ kʌ thoha nʌ: ʌwahyʌtane̲’ Are the berries almost done?
297 Wé:ne ʌwá:tu é:so ʌkayako̲ I guess I can pick a lot of berries.
298 Khále’ niwahyowanʌse̲’ And the berries are real big.
299 Tahnu wé:ni tsi’ niyotahyú:ni̲ It looks like there are a lot of berries.
300 Ni:yót ni:yohahe:súse̲’ Look at the long rows
301 Hʌ: tahnu: tsi’ nikahʌtowá:n Yes, and it is a big field
302 Wahsatkatho’ kʌ i:si’ nukwa tkahʌtayʌ nén awʌhihte̲’ Do you see the strawberry field over there?
303 ʌswisto:kwanuste̲’ freeze them
304 kʌ’ niwahya:sa’ small berries
305 uyʌ:tane̲’ berries are done
306 teyohyahyotsis sour fruit
307 ʌsata:yálite̲ can fruit
308 wa’katnan̲e̲’ I filled (a basket)
309 ashé:nute̲ basket
310 yohahe:súse̲̲’ long rows
311 Kahʌtowá:n big field
312 kahʌ:táyʌ̲ field
313 Wé:ne tsi’ nʌ kukwité:ne tsi’ nʌ é:so yontlatute’ nén kalutó:tu̲ it must be springtime because there are a lot of leaves on the trees.
314 O’nu:wa: kʌ ʌsátste’ nén ʌsata’slú:ni̲ are you going to use the strips of black ash when you make a basket?
315 Takʌ ʌtesahítyak tho ká:yʌ nén o:nhahte̲’ don’t trip on the branch laying there.
316 Wé:ne tsi’ latunyá:ne’ nén wáhta óshes I guess he’s going to make maple syrup
317 Laksótha wahahkalotʌ nén wáhta kalútote̲’ my grandfather tapped the maple tree.
318 Né: kʌ nén kwah ok thikuné:se’ ótsitsi is it the wild flowers?
319 Hao’ tsi’ kalhayʌ’ yeheten tnitsi’tsyakóna̲ let’s go to the forest to gather flowers.
369 Náhte’ né: yotlihute̲ What is it used for?
381 Hʌ nok tsi’ yah ki’ nuwʌtu te’wake’waláku yes but I have never eaten the meat
453 ʌkatá:yalihte̲’ for me to can
454 ʌsata:yalíte̲’ for you to can
332 Ok nén wihsu ʌsatayalíte’ kʌ nʌ né: what about the plums, are you going to can them?
333 Hao’ ki’wah tho’nʌ ʌtyatayálite̲’ ok then we will can it.
456 kawistokwanʌsta̲ freezer
457 ʌkwisto:kwanʌste̲’ I will freeze it
458 kʌtyohkwá:nʌ̲ a lot of people
460 Okna’ kʌ yohyáli̲ are the berries ripe already?
461 Hʌ́: nʌki’ yohyáli̲ Yes the berries are ripe
462 Wé:ni kwi: ʌyolhʌne’ ni: ʌkahyakha I:sʌ takatahyalihte̲’ I guess I will go and pick berries tomorrow so I can have some berries too.
463 I:kelhe’ sʌ tohka nikanutotslake akwistokwanʌste’ ok’ni’i:se̲’ I want to freeze a few boxes, what about you?
464 Yah ki’ ni: teyukwáyʌ kawisto’kwanʌsta̲ Wé:ni kwi: ʌkatá:yalihte’ ni’ i: we don’t have a freezer, so I have to can mine
465 Kʌtyohkwanʌ kyu’utewí:ne latiwisto’kwanʌsta tsyok nahohte̲ I guess a lot of people freeze almost anything