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ID Oneida English Audio File
776 ashʌ ki’ né: nahoti’talake nén Onʌyota’á:ka Oneida people have three clans
777 thayú:ni né: na’ako’taló:tʌ nén aksotha̲ wolf is my grandmother’s clan
778 náhte’ kati né: na’ako’taló:tʌ nén sahsotha̲ what is your grandmother’s clan?
779 a’nó:wal né: naho’taló:tʌ nén lake’niha̲ turtle is my fathers clan
780 ok nen ya’niha náhte’ né: naho’taló:tʌ̲’ what about your father, what is his clan?
781 Hʌ ohkwá:li ki’ né: na’ako’taló:tʌ’ nén aknulha yes, my mother’s clan is bear
782 Sanúte’ kʌ náhte’ na’ako’taló:tʌ’ nén sanulha do you know what your mother’s clan is?
504 ohkwalí niwaki’taló:tʌ̲ bear is my clan
414 Sanúhte’ kʌ to:nihoti’taláke nén Onʌyota’a:ka̲ Do you know how many clans Oneida people have?
415 Hao’ kwi tasna’tuni nén tsi’ nihoti’taló:tʌse̲’ You name the clans then
419 otala’shúh̲a̲ clans
416 Hao’ ohkwá:li a’nó:wal khále’ othayú:ni̲ Ok, bear, turtle and wolf
417 Sanúhte’ káti’ kʌ tsi’ sanulha tsi’ nityakotwatsilí:nu né: katáti Do you know that you follow your mother’s line?
418 Teyotuhutsyu kwi né: ahonanuhteke’ ka’i:kʌ nén ukwahwá:tsile̲’ Our families should know this
903 a’no:wál turtle