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ID Oneida English Audio File
117 kakhwahele̲’ feast
111 Tah tsi’ ki’ ní: tkakwaheleko nú: wahke̲’ No! I am going where there’s lots to eat(or feast)
785 í:kelhe’ ashuthu kʌ ʌtutasawʌ̲ I thought they start at midnight
786 Tah só:tsi’ yata’tusahuleni tsi’ niyolé: ashuthu̲ no because it’s not over ‘til midnight
733 yeyʌthókwas harvest
192 Thokʌ wahse’ tsi’ tehútkwa̲’ Are you going to where they are dancing?
193 Kwa’nyohkwi: satshá:nit Boy, you are a good worker!
194 Wakheya’takenhása’ nén kutikhú:ni̲h̲e̲’ I am going to help the cooks.
195 Wa’katahusatata’ ki’ nén kalihwí:yo̲ I am going to listen to the good message.
197 Kanuhsésne kʌ wáhse̲’ Are you going to the longhouse?
199 kakhwa’shú:h̲a̲ different kinds of foods
200 kutikhu:níhe̲’ the cooks
201 tehútkwa̲’ dancers
203 kalihwíy̲o̲ good message
204 kanushésn̲e̲ longhouse
205 kʌtyóhkwa̲ people

New Year’s

ID Oneida English Audio File
84 Kwa’ nyóh kwi yosnóle: tsyohslát yuskáhewe̲’ How fast the year went by.
85 Hʌ nʌ ki’ á:se yohslá:te̲ Yes it is the New Year.
86 Nʌ kʌ á:se yohslá:te̲ Is it New Year’s now?
87 a:sé yohsláte̲ new year
784 á:se yohslá:te̲ new year
787 Wahsatlʌnayʌna kʌ nén á:se yohslá:te yo’kalau are you going to church on new year’s eve?

The Fair

ID Oneida English Audio File
235 Hʌ: kwah nyo kwi: né: lohstelist Yes, and he was funny.
236 Wahetshalóloke’ kʌ otsistóhkwa wahó:sele’ nén tékni teyokahkwʌtute̲’ Did you watch the clown ride the two wheeler?
237 Hʌ: é:so kih Yes, there are a lot.
238 E:so kʌ kayá:lotu̲ Is there a lot of tents?
239 Tah otsistohkwa ni: wa’kheyatloloke̲’ No, I watched the clowns.
240 Wahsatloloke’ kʌ nén kohsa:tʌs tekuleluhe’ Did you watch the horse races?
241 tékni teyokahkwʌ́:tute̲’ bicycle or two wheeler
242 otsistóhkwa clown
243 tehutyelunyuhe̲’ performers
244 kakhwa’shuha̲ foods (many types)
245 kayalo:tu̲ tents
246 latiksa’shuha tehuleluhe’ children racing
247 kohsá:tʌs tekuleluhe’ race horses
248 Tah só:tsi’ yohsno:le tsi’ tewahkwatá:ses̲ No it goes around too fast.
249 Ihselhe’ kʌ a:satítan yakotsihalatenyatha̲’ Are you going on the twirl ride?
250 Hʌ́: swahyó:wane’ wá:yat i:kelhe’ takatna’talakʌ́:ni̲ Yes, I have an apple pie for the contest.
251 Sá:yʌ kʌ wá:yat tasatna’talakʌ́n̲i̲ Do you have a pie for the pie contest?
252 Hʌ: i:kelhe’ takatkʌnyéhsa’ atsyók Yes, I want to go to the fair later.
253 Wa’tehshatkʌnyéhsa’ kʌ nu’uwa̲’ Are you going to the fair this time?
254 tehutkʌnyéhse̲’ fair
255 tasatkʌ́:ni̲ to enter a contest
256 lutita’asta̲ rides
257 yakotsihalatenyátha̲ the twirl ride
259 kohsá:tʌs horse
261 lotinʌlahsluniháti parade
262 Kwah ki’nok kayé: ní:ku̲ Just four of them


ID Oneida English Audio File
202 kanuhelatúksla’ thanksgiving address
25 skawihlowane’ o’wá:lu̲’ turkey meat
18 Sate’wahlutá:ne’ kʌ skawihló:wan̲e̲’ are you going to roast a turkey?
19 Hʌ́: né: ki’ kanutunyú:he̲’ yes, I am thinking about it.
20 Satekhwalá:ne’ kʌ ni’isé: tsi’ náhte’ yutanuhelá:tuhe̲’ Are you going to have a thanksgiving feast?
17 Hʌ́: se’ wah I sure am!
198 tetwatanʌhelá:tu let us give thanks
206 tehutanʌhelá:tuhe̲’ giving thanks


ID Oneida English Audio File
207 Yʌhʌshawe’ kʌ onu’usláko yetsistalakhwa̲’ Are you going to take a pumpkin lantern?
208 Hʌ wé:ne kwi laskan akwʌnya’ ʌkatse̲’ Yes I’m going to put on a skeleton costume.
209 Ʌsahste’ kʌ yohtlut akwʌnya’ Are you going to wear a scary costume?
210 Nʌ ki’ ya’kahewe’ nén ahalihwahsahw̲ʌ̲ It is now time to tell of the male responsibility.
211 Nʌ ki’ kanana’kene nʌ ya’kahewe’ ahutekhwaló:loke̲’ It is now fall or the start of the male season and it is time to have a feast.
212 yutkuhsolokta̲’ mask
213 ahsʌ niwashʌ uska thirty first
214 tetyó:kalahse̲’ dark night
215 laskan skeleton or ancestors gone ahead
216 onu’uslako: pumpkin
217 yohtlut akwʌnya’ scary costume
218 lathʌtó:lihe̲’ scarecrow
219 yohsutáhtlut halloween or hallows eve
220 ʌhalihwahsahw̲ʌ̲ Tells of male responsibility.
221 wahutekhwaló:lok They are having a feast.
222 kanana’ken̲e̲ starting of the male season or “fall”
550 atyanlúhsla’ ghost
666 yohsutatlʌt scary night
667 lá:okwʌnya’ his costume
668 akokwʌnya’ her costume
669 akwakwʌnya’ my costume
670 akwatkuhsolokta’ my mask
671 awélu’uske̲’ witch
672 tsina’tsyakehte̲’ spider


ID Oneida English Audio File
137 onyʌte’ laya’tunyá:tu snowman (or he is made from snow)
129 Ʌwá:tu ki’ onyʌte’ laya’tunyá:tu ʌtwatú:ni̲ we can make a snow man
98 Yothó:le kʌ tsi’ nú: thanákehl̲e̲’ Is is cold where he lives?
99 Otholé:ke né: nu: thanakehle’ shakó:wihe̲’ Santa Claus lives up north.
103 otholé:ke̲ north
110 Sanute’ kʌ tsi’ nʌ ya’kahewe’ tsi’ na’teyutatáwihe̲’ Do you know it is time to exchange gifts?
112 Wahslutotakó:na’ káti’ kʌ Are you going to the Christmas concert?
113 Oskanú:tu né: ʌthatilú:tʌ shakó:wihe’ lá:osleht waté:slehse̲’ reindeer will pull Santa’s sleigh
114 Nʌ káti kʌ né: saya’taslú:ni nén kalute̲’ Did you decorate the tree yet?
115 Hʌ nʌ ki’ yakahwe’ utá:le’ shakó:wihe̲’ Yes, it is time for Santa Claus to come.
116 Nʌ kʌ tho yakahwe’ nén wʌhnisló:wan Is it almost Christmas?
118 latilutotakwas Christmas concert
119 kalu:tóte̲’ (there is) a tree standing
120 kaya’taslú:ni̲ decorated
121 kakhwaku’ushu̲ good food
122 waté:slehse̲’ sleigh
123 shakó:wihe̲’ Santa Claus or he who gives
124 oskanú:tu̲ reindeer
125 teyutatá:wihe̲’ exchanging gifts
126 wʌhnislo:wán big day or Christmas
638 Tekyatakhétsta’ ki’ nén tekniksa The two girls are skating
634 Owisá:ke né: tehonatwiskwa’tuháti latiksa’shúh̲a̲ The children are sliding on the ice.
635 Wahsatlolóka’ kʌ owisá:ke tehutshikwa’eks Are you going to watch the hockey game?
636 Ni:yót né: tehutatenyʌtoya’aks latiksa’shúha̲ Look at the children throwing snow at each other.
637 Onutahalá:ke ki’ né: tehute’slehtahélh̲a̲’ They are sleigh riding on the hill
645 tehute’slehtahélha̲’ sleigh riding
646 tehutatenyʌtóya’aks they are throwing snow at each other
648 tehuta’kétsta̲’ skating
649 yotsistóhkwal̲e̲’ star
650 tʌtwatatawiní (we all) exchange gifts (with each other)
651 shako:wíhe̲’ santa claus (he who gives)
652 skʌ:nʌ́: kʌhák tsi’ yohutsya:té̲ there is peace on earth
653 Wʌhnislowá:nʌ ka:lúte̲’ Christmas tree
654 Yotshanunyát tsi’ wʌhnislowá:nʌ̲ Merry Christmas
655 wʌhnislowá:nʌ ka’íkʌ wʌhnisla:té̲: Christmas (this) day
656 wʌhnislowá:nʌ kahyatúhsel̲i̲ Christmas card
657 teyonutakli:tsale’ atʌ́:nis candy cane
658 kayatuhsli tekanuwalotálh̲u̲ paper chain
659 kwayatalukwas kayatuhsli cut the paper
660 kwayatalukwas kayatuhsli Onʌyota’á:ka thokʌ́ yá:t cutting the paper (that says Oneida)
661 yela’natakwa kayatuhsel̲i̲ tape the papers