ID | Oneida | English | Audio File |
858 | wale:lú̲ | frog | |
859 | ohna’kwalohsa’kó: | elephant | |
860 | tsikawihsakíh̲a̲’ | monkey | |
861 | aní:tas | skunk | |
862 | kwalo:lú̲ | owl | |
863 | atú:nyote̲’ | eagle | |
864 | ʌti:lu̲ | raccoon | |
865 | ótku̲’ | snake | |
866 | otsi’no:wʌ̲ | mouse | |
867 | tsi’kwilʌ́:tu̲ | squirrel | |
868 | kohsa:tʌ́s | horse | |
869 | othahyu:ní̲ | wolf | |
870 | kʌ́tsi | fish | |
871 | é:lhal | dog | |
872 | tsiskó:ko’ | robin | |
873 | kwa’yʌ́h̲a̲ | rabbit | |
874 | takós | cat | |
875 | oskanu:tú̲: | deer | |
876 | ohkwa:lí̲ | bear | |
800 | onhéhta̲ | porcupine | |
801 | tsyoní:tu̲’ | beaver | |
802 | oná:kʌt | groundhog | |
803 | ska’nyúhsa̲’ | moose | |
768 | É:lhal khále’ takós ki’ swatyehlʌ kanúsku ni nákehle̲’ | sometimes the dog and cat live in the house | |
769 | Kátsha’ kayʌ kanúsku kutinakehle̲’ | which ones live in the house? | |
770 | Otyake’ ki’ kanúsku kutinakehle̲’ | some live in the house(animals) | |
771 | Kátsha’ káti’ né: nú: nikutinakehle’ nén katshé:nʌ̲: | where do the domestic animals live? | |
773 | katshé:nʌ̲ | domestic animals |
ID | Oneida | English | Audio File |
380 | Tsi’ niwaku’weskwanihe’ nén akeyatloló:ke’ nén laulau tho latityenutyese̲’ | I like to see the hummingbirds flying around. | |
382 | Nʌ kʌ né: nʌwʌtu shekʌ nén kwah ok thikuné:se’ skawiló:wan̲e̲’ | did you ever see the wild turkey? | |
383 | Hʌ thoki’ Springbank thunése’ | yes they are at the Springbank | |
384 | Nʌ kʌ nise: nʌwʌtu hetskʌ nén wa’kohseskó: | did you ever see the peacock? | |
385 | Wé:ne kwi tsiskó:ko | I guess the robin | |
386 | Náhte’ ne na’katsi’tʌslotʌ kwah tyotyelʌtu ʌswawe’ nʌ́: kukwí:te̲ | what is the first bird to return in the spring? | |
387 | wa’kohseskó | peacock | |
388 | skawiló:wane̲’ | turkey | |
389 | kalhakú:h̲a̲ | chicken hawk | |
390 | ká:ka’ | crow | |
391 | kwaló:lu̲ | owl | |
392 | Tekahnekákhwa̲: | swallow (a bird) | |
393 | kanata’kékha | sparrow | |
394 | tsiskó:ko’ | robin | |
395 | otsi’nkwalá | goldfinch | |
396 | Laulau | hummingbird | |
397 | Ok nén kohkwá:e | what about the quail or bobwhite? | |
398 | Onikwʌhtala: ki’ nén kohslakweku kʌ’ lʌ:nése̲’ | cardinals stay here all winter. | |
399 | Náhte’ káti’ né: na’katsi’tʌ’slotʌ kʌ’ kunese’ kohslakwé:ku̲ | what kind of birds stay all winter? | |
400 | Talu’kó: kwi nén ʌti nyekunese’ nʌ kanana’kene̲ | Ducks go south in the fall. | |
401 | Náhte’ káti’ né: na’katsitʌ’slotʌ’ nén ʌti nukwá nyekunese’ nén kananakene̲ | what kind of birds go south in the fall? | |
402 | Né: ki’ nén atú:nyote’ kwah tkuwalihowanáhtu | it is the eagle they hold most high | |
403 | Náhte’ na’katsi’tʌ sló:tʌ kwah tkuwalihowanáhtu nén Onʌyota’a:ka | What bird do Oneida people hold most high? | |
404 | tawistáwi̲ | kildeer | |
405 | olí:te̲: | mourning dove | |
406 | atú:nyote̲’ | eagle | |
407 | talu’kó | duck | |
408 | lalutastohoksha̲ | woodpecker | |
409 | kohkwá:e | bobwhite or quail | |
410 | klikli | bluejay | |
411 | onikwʌhtala | cardinal | |
412 | taluló:lu̲ | bluebird | |
413 | kahúk | wild goose |
ID | Oneida | English | Audio File |
347 | Washeyatló:loke’ kati’ kʌ nén tsistoka’tá:n̲e̲’ | Did you watch the fireflies? | |
348 | Wa’keyatló:loke’ nén kana:wʌ: kʌ’ latityenutyese̲’ | I watched the butterflies flying around. | |
349 | Yah kati’ kʌ otsi’nuhwahé:ta̲’ | isn’t it the earthworm | |
350 | Sanúhte’ kʌ na’katsi’nuyótʌ lutsta nʌ ukuyohkawinésa̲’ | Do you know what kind of insect they use when they go fishing? | |
351 | Kwa’nyo lotityohkwanʌ nén okalyahtá:ne̲’ | There are sure a lot of mosquitoes. | |
352 | Nok ʌwá:tu ʌsehnikúlalake takʌ’ tʌyawe’est tsinuhnehklís | You have to be careful that the bee doesn’t sting you. | |
353 | Né: kwi: nu’u:wa ʌyethina’tuni tsyokna’katsi’nuyotʌse̲’ | We will name the different kinds of insects | |
354 | watlʌ:náyʌhe̲’ | praying mantis | |
355 | otsi’nuwahéta̲’ | earthworm | |
356 | tsistoka’tá:ne̲’ | firefly | |
357 | slíkslik | cricket | |
358 | okalyahtá:ne̲’ | mosquito | |
359 | tsistalak | grasshopper | |
360 | onhwalá:n̲e̲’ | caterpiller | |
361 | kana:wʌ̲́: | butterfly | |
362 | tsinuhnéhklis | bee | |
363 | tsi’nhutstókhwi̲’ | ant |