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ID Oneida English Audio File Category
1 Tho yʌkéhseke’ Will you be there? Locations: Being Somewhere
2 Kátsha’ yʌséhseke’ Where will you be? Locations: Being Somewhere
3 tho kʌ yeheséskwe’ Were you there? Locations: Being Somewhere
4 Kátsha’ nu: nihséhskwe’ Where were you? Locations: Being Somewhere
5 Kátsha’ nihséhse̲’ Where are you? Locations: Being Somewhere
6 Yah tho tyakésheke’ I won’t be there Locations: Being Somewhere
7 yah tho tyehekéskwe’ I was not there Locations: Being Somewhere
8 Tho yehekéhskwe’ I was there Locations: Being Somewhere
9 Kʌ tho i:kéhse̲’ I am here Locations: Being Somewhere
10 Hao’ swatekhú:ni̲ All of you, come and eat Food
11 Owistóhsehli’ kʌ tesatuhutsyu:ni̲ do you want butter? Food
12 tesatuhutsyuni kʌ kʌ́tsi’ Do you want fish? Food
13 katuhkályaks kih I am hungry Food
14 Hʌ né: ki’ kanutunyúhe̲’ Yes I’m thinking about it. Yes and No
15 Hʌ́: né: ki’ í:kehlhe̲’ Yes, I wanted to. Yes and No
16 Tʌsnanátalihte’ kʌ khále’ ʌsnatsihalʌ kʌ otsíhkwa̲’ Are you going to mash potatoes and cook turnips? Food
17 Hʌ́: se’ wah I sure am! Celebrations: Thanksgiving
18 Sate’wahlutá:ne’ kʌ skawihló:wan̲e̲’ are you going to roast a turkey? Food, Celebrations: Thanksgiving
19 Hʌ́: né: ki’ kanutunyú:he̲’ yes, I am thinking about it. Celebrations: Thanksgiving
20 Satekhwalá:ne’ kʌ ni’isé: tsi’ náhte’ yutanuhelá:tuhe̲’ Are you going to have a thanksgiving feast? Celebrations: Thanksgiving
21 kakhwahé:le̲’ feast Food
22 kahwa:tsí:le̲’ family Family
23 loti’khwaká:te̲’ they have lots of food Food
24 kakhwaku good food Food
25 skawihlowane’ o’wá:lu̲’ turkey meat Food, Celebrations: Thanksgiving
26 wa’yathoku a lot of pies Food
27 watna’talú:takwe̲’ homemade bread Food
28 tekananatalí:tu̲ mashed potatoes Food
29 otsíhkwa̲’ turnip Food
30 onu’uslakó: wá:yat pumpkin pie Food
31 o:nʌstáse’ wʌhnitatati month of new corn Food
32 Tho niyotityóhwake’ nén oshaheta̲ How many groups of beans is there? Food
33 shakotiyenashn̲e̲ police station Locations
34 yutenata’asta̲ gas station Locations
35 latinakle’ tehutlásta’ community centre Locations
36 yutatlihunyʌní:tha̲’ school Locations
37 teyukhiyatlihwakanelha’ thatítlu’ band office Locations
38 yutlʌnayʌtakhwa̲ church Locations
39 kʌ’nihʌná:sa tethuwatisnyétha̲’ daycare Locations
40 tethutkʌnyé:tha̲’ fairgrounds Locations
41 kalihunyʌnitsla’ lonatstelistu lati’tlu’ Education office Locations
42 twaskóhu̲ bridge Locations
43 Nikaha:wi̲ Time Time
44 Kukwí:te̲ Spring Time: Seasons
45 Lonu’weskwaníhe’ tehutshikwá’eks They enjoy playing ball Sports
46 Hanyo tehsalatat Come on, Run fast! Sports
47 Sahkwislu Try hard! Sports
48 ʌskwení nʌ kih You can do it! Sports
49 ísi ya’sá:ti̲ You throw it! Sports
50 Takʌ’ nʌsa’nikulyak Don’t give up! Sports
51 Té:sek You pick it up Sports
52 Hanyo! Hanyo! Come on! Come on! Sports
53 Onkwat káti kʌ nén siksik otahsa̲’ Is the mullen used for medicine? Plants
54 Náhte’ né: onukwat nén olhohte’kó: What do you use burdock as a medicine for? Plants
55 Ihseks kʌ nise: nén onitshewʌ́:ta̲’ Do you eat milkweed? Plants
56 Seká:se’ kʌ nén oneklʌta̲’ Do you like morels? Plants
57 Se’nikúlalak tá:kʌ só:tsi yʌsatla’nʌtak tsi’ yotú:ni nén yakohʌ:tálahse̲ Watch, don’t get to close to the poison ivy Plants
58 Oyu’kwa’uwe né: lutsta’ nén ukwehuwe nʌ tʌhatitalʌ nén shukwaya’tisu’ Native people use Indian tobacco when they talk to the Creator. Plants
59 Teyotskalatko: Smartweed Plants
60 Sáyʌ: kʌ Do you have _____? Misc.
61 tah no Yes and No
62 yes Yes and No
63 watahslóte̲’ stick standing Misc.
64 Wahsatlʌnayʌna káti’ kʌ nén yautatókʌhtan̲e̲’ Are you going to church on Sunday? Locations
65 Tah Ʌtakta ki’ nʌ thoyʌhʌ́ke̲ No, I will go on Saturday. Locations
66 Kanatá:ke kʌ wahse’ nén ʌyólhʌn̲e̲’ Are you going to town tomorrow? Locations
67 Yautʌtá:u nén thé:tʌ̲ Yesterday was Monday. Time
68 Náhte’ káti’ nén thé:tʌ̲ What was yesterday? Time
69 Hʌ nu’uwa’ nén wiskatút Yes, today is Friday. Time
70 Sanúhte’ kʌ náhte’ nu’uwa’ niwʌhnisló:tʌ̲ Do you know what kind of day it is today? Time
71 Yautatokʌ́htu̲ Sunday Time: Days of the Week
72 Ʌtakta Saturday Time: Days of the Week
73 Wiskatút Friday Time: Days of the Week
74 Kayelihatút Thursday Time: Days of the Week
75 Ahsʌhatút Wednesday Time: Days of the Week
76 Teknihatút Tuesday Time: Days of the Week
77 Yautʌtá:u Monday Time: Days of the Week
78 thé:tʌ̲: yesterday Time: Days of the Week
79 Ʌyólhʌn̲e̲’ Tomorrow Time
80 tsi’niwʌhnisló:tʌ̲ The kind of day Time
81 Tekni yawʌlé: niwʌhnítake nén tsyohslát There are twelve months in one year. Time
82 Tó: kati’ né: niwʌhnítake nén tsyohslát How many months in one year? Time
83 Hʌ nʌ kyok kwi tsyohslát sʌha’ wa’yukwakstʌhane̲’ Yes, we are one year older. Time
84 Kwa’ nyóh kwi yosnóle: tsyohslát yuskáhewe̲’ How fast the year went by. Celebrations: New Year’s
85 Hʌ nʌ ki’ á:se yohslá:te̲ Yes it is the New Year. Celebrations: New Year’s
86 Nʌ kʌ á:se yohslá:te̲ Is it New Year’s now? Celebrations: New Year’s
87 a:sé yohsláte̲ new year Celebrations: New Year’s
88 tsyohslát one year Time
89 swʌhnítat one month Time
90 swʌ:tát one week Time
91 swahsútat one night Time
92 swʌhnisláte̲ one day Time
93 kwa’suteke̲ night time Time
94 kwʌ’teke̲ day time Time
95 astehtsi̲’ morning Time
96 yo’kalas evening Time
97 Hʌ é:so ki’ kanyé:yʌ̲ Yes there is a lot of snow (on the ground) Time: Seasons: Winter
98 Yothó:le kʌ tsi’ nú: thanákehl̲e̲’ Is is cold where he lives? Celebrations: Christmas
99 Otholé:ke né: nu: thanakehle’ shakó:wihe̲’ Santa Claus lives up north. Celebrations: Christmas
100 ónyʌte̲’ snow Time: Seasons: Winter
101 teyulahtakwanéta’asta̲ over shoes Time: Seasons: Winter
102 teyóhsehs ahta’shúha̲ high top shoes Time: Seasons: Winter
103 otholé:ke̲ north Celebrations: Christmas
104 tsi’ ní wʌhnislo:tʌse̲’ The kind of day (weather) Weather
105 yohtánawʌ atslunya’khwa̲ warm clothing Time: Seasons: Winter
106 teyonyo’kwatá:se̲ Snow is twirling around. Time: Seasons: Winter
107 lutó:lats they are hunting Hunting
108 kanyé:yʌ̲ there is snow on the ground Time: Seasons: Winter
109 yothó:le̲ it is cold Time: Seasons: Winter
110 Sanute’ kʌ tsi’ nʌ ya’kahewe’ tsi’ na’teyutatáwihe̲’ Do you know it is time to exchange gifts? Celebrations: Christmas
111 Tah tsi’ ki’ ní: tkakwaheleko nú: wahke̲’ No! I am going where there’s lots to eat(or feast) Celebrations
112 Wahslutotakó:na’ káti’ kʌ Are you going to the Christmas concert? Celebrations: Christmas
113 Oskanú:tu né: ʌthatilú:tʌ shakó:wihe’ lá:osleht waté:slehse̲’ reindeer will pull Santa’s sleigh Celebrations: Christmas
114 Nʌ káti kʌ né: saya’taslú:ni nén kalute̲’ Did you decorate the tree yet? Celebrations: Christmas
115 Hʌ nʌ ki’ yakahwe’ utá:le’ shakó:wihe̲’ Yes, it is time for Santa Claus to come. Celebrations: Christmas
116 Nʌ kʌ tho yakahwe’ nén wʌhnisló:wan Is it almost Christmas? Celebrations: Christmas
117 kakhwahele̲’ feast Celebrations
118 latilutotakwas Christmas concert Celebrations: Christmas
119 kalu:tóte̲’ (there is) a tree standing Celebrations: Christmas
120 kaya’taslú:ni̲ decorated Celebrations: Christmas
121 kakhwaku’ushu̲ good food Celebrations: Christmas
122 waté:slehse̲’ sleigh Celebrations: Christmas
123 shakó:wihe̲’ Santa Claus or he who gives Celebrations: Christmas
124 oskanú:tu̲ reindeer Celebrations: Christmas
125 teyutatá:wihe̲’ exchanging gifts Celebrations: Christmas
126 wʌhnislo:wán big day or Christmas Celebrations: Christmas
127 Takʌ’ ʌsesa’nikulhʌ tsi’ ʌsatste’ yunihtyákta̲ Don’t forget to wear the scarf. Time: Seasons: Winter
128 Ʌsatste’ kwi: anyá:nawʌ̲ you wear gloves Time: Seasons: Winter
129 Ʌwá:tu ki’ onyʌte’ laya’tunyá:tu ʌtwatú:ni̲ we can make a snow man Celebrations: Christmas
130 Ʌwá:tu ki’ onyʌtá:ke ʌtwatnutolyahte̲’ we can play on the snow Time: Seasons: Winter
131 Nok ʌwá:tu nén kohsla’kekha’ atslunyá:khwa’ ʌtwatste̲’ we now have to wear winter clothing Time: Seasons: Winter
132 Wata’klokwaskó: wʌhni’tatati’ latina’tukhwa’ nén lotikstʌhoku the elders call it the big snow moon. Time: Seasons: Winter
133 Nʌ ki’ tsi’ nihatika:latuhe’ wʌhni’tatati it is now Storytelling Moon Time: Seasons: Winter
134 teyohsi:tute̲ longjohns Time: Seasons: Winter
135 wata’klokwaskó: wʌhni’tatati big snow moon Time: Seasons: Winter
136 latikalatuhe’ wʌhni’tatati storytelling moon Time: Seasons: Winter
137 onyʌte’ laya’tunyá:tu snowman (or he is made from snow) Celebrations: Christmas
138 lonatnekaklitslú:ni the soup is made Food
139 teyeyʌtahlith̲a̲’ she is splitting(chopping) the wood Hunting
140 luwayʌslus tsi’kwilʌtu̲’ she is preparing the squirrel Hunting
141 nʌ lohsu la’tuslaké:tas she has scraped all the fat off the raccoon Hunting
142 o’tusla laketas la’tuslaké:tas he is scraping the raccoon pelt Hunting
143 luwayʌslus kwa’yʌh̲a̲’ skinning a rabbit Hunting
144 luwayʌslus ʌtílu̲ skinning a raccoon Hunting
145 ʌtilu laya’tahawe̲’ he is holding a raccoon Hunting
146 shakolihunyʌníhe’ ahutlístay̲ʌ̲’ he is teaching about trapping Hunting
147 yakote’wá:lute’ oskanútu̲ she is frying the deer meat Hunting
148 tehni’walulith̲a̲’ cut the meat Hunting
149 lowanikwʌsátahkwas oskanu:tu̲ draining the blood off the deer Hunting
150 lakahlostatáhkwas he is gutting the deer Hunting
151 oskanu:tú laya’tihal̲e̲’ the deer is hanging Hunting
152 kayelihatut kwi ʌskuk see you Thursday Greetings & Goodbyes
153 hetsha’takénha’ yahashʌ thí:kʌ̲ you help carry that (item) Hunting
154 se’nikulalak thí:kʌ̲ be careful with that! Hunting
155 ha o:nʌ̲ Go! or Action! Photography (Taking Pictures)
156 tsya tal o:nʌ̲ picture is ready Photography (Taking Pictures)
157 kaya’tálh̲a̲’ camera Photography (Taking Pictures)
158 Kahule’ ki’ khále’ onʌya ʌhunutste tsi’ lutó:lats They are going to use a gun and bullets for their hunt. Hunting
159 Tah yeya’akta kih lútsta̲ No, they are using the spear. Hunting
160 Lútsta káti kʌ nén kánhya̲’ Are they using the flint? Hunting
161 Hʌ tahnú: a’ʌna khále’ kayúkwile’ lútsta̲ Yes and they are using the bow and arrow. Hunting
162 Lutó:lats káti kʌ nén lʌnukweshúh̲a̲ Are the men hunting? Hunting
163 Hʌ wahatolátha’ kih Yes he is going hunting. Hunting
164 Nʌ kʌ lató:lats nén lanikʌtluh̲a̲ Is the young man hunting? Hunting
165 ʌhayʌ́:sele̲’ To skin an animal. Hunting
166 kutilyo’shuh̲a̲ wild animals Hunting
167 Onʌya̲: bullet Hunting
168 kahule̲’ gun Hunting
169 Kanhya̲’ flint Hunting
170 Yeya’akta̲ spear Hunting
171 kayú:kwile̲’ arrow Hunting
172 a’ʌna̲ bow Hunting
173 Lató:lats He is hunting. Hunting
174 Lute: kwi tekahwistáne’ sʌ They say it is also going to be icy. Weather
175 Hʌ wé:ne kih tsi’ tyohkwislu yota’klokwʌ yes, I think it is snowing quite hard. Weather
176 Wé:ne tsi’ yota’klókwʌ I think it’s snowing. Weather
177 Hʌ tsi’ ki’ niyowelahwistu̲ Yes, the wind is really cold. Weather
178 Nʌ kʌ tayotholati Is it getting cold? Weather
179 Hʌ wahutolatha’ kih Yes, they are going hunting. Hunting
180 Lutó:lats kʌ nén kʌ’nitotiyʌsah Are the young men hunting? Hunting
181 Yota’klokwʌhatyese̲’ Snowing off and on. Weather
182 Yowelahwistu̲ cold wind Weather
183 Teyohwiskwat It is slippery. Weather
184 Yohwisuti They are ice pellets. Weather
185 Kanye:yʌ̲ There is snow on the ground. Weather
186 Tayohtsi’kláti Clouds are coming. Weather
187 Tayota’klokwʌháti Snow is coming. Weather
188 Tayotholáti Cold (weather) is coming. Weather
189 kutilyoh wild animal Hunting
190 Luto:lats They are hunting. Hunting
191 We:ne ki’ wah I think so Yes and No
192 Thokʌ wahse’ tsi’ tehútkwa̲’ Are you going to where they are dancing? Celebrations
193 Kwa’nyohkwi: satshá:nit Boy, you are a good worker! Celebrations
194 Wakheya’takenhása’ nén kutikhú:ni̲h̲e̲’ I am going to help the cooks. Celebrations, Food
195 Wa’katahusatata’ ki’ nén kalihwí:yo̲ I am going to listen to the good message. Celebrations
196 Hʌ ok ni’í:se̲ Yes, how about you? Greetings & Goodbyes
197 Kanuhsésne kʌ wáhse̲’ Are you going to the longhouse? Celebrations
198 tetwatanʌhelá:tu let us give thanks Celebrations: Thanksgiving
199 kakhwa’shú:h̲a̲ different kinds of foods Celebrations, Food
200 kutikhu:níhe̲’ the cooks Celebrations, Food
201 tehútkwa̲’ dancers Celebrations
202 kanuhelatúksla’ thanksgiving address Celebrations: Thanksgiving
203 kalihwíy̲o̲ good message Celebrations
204 kanushésn̲e̲ longhouse Celebrations
205 kʌtyóhkwa̲ people Celebrations
206 tehutanʌhelá:tuhe̲’ giving thanks Celebrations: Thanksgiving
207 Yʌhʌshawe’ kʌ onu’usláko yetsistalakhwa̲’ Are you going to take a pumpkin lantern? Celebrations: Halloween
208 Hʌ wé:ne kwi laskan akwʌnya’ ʌkatse̲’ Yes I’m going to put on a skeleton costume. Celebrations: Halloween
209 Ʌsahste’ kʌ yohtlut akwʌnya’ Are you going to wear a scary costume? Celebrations: Halloween
210 Nʌ ki’ ya’kahewe’ nén ahalihwahsahw̲ʌ̲ It is now time to tell of the male responsibility. Celebrations: Halloween
211 Nʌ ki’ kanana’kene nʌ ya’kahewe’ ahutekhwaló:loke̲’ It is now fall or the start of the male season and it is time to have a feast. Celebrations: Halloween
212 yutkuhsolokta̲’ mask Celebrations: Halloween
213 ahsʌ niwashʌ uska thirty first Celebrations: Halloween
214 tetyó:kalahse̲’ dark night Celebrations: Halloween
215 laskan skeleton or ancestors gone ahead Celebrations: Halloween
216 onu’uslako: pumpkin Celebrations: Halloween
217 yohtlut akwʌnya’ scary costume Celebrations: Halloween
218 lathʌtó:lihe̲’ scarecrow Celebrations: Halloween
219 yohsutáhtlut halloween or hallows eve Celebrations: Halloween
220 ʌhalihwahsahw̲ʌ̲ Tells of male responsibility. Celebrations: Halloween
221 wahutekhwaló:lok They are having a feast. Celebrations: Halloween
222 kanana’ken̲e̲ starting of the male season or “fall” Celebrations: Halloween
223 Tyutatlihunyʌní:tha’ wahne’ They are going to the school. Locations
224 Kátsha’ nu: wá:ne’ tehniksa Where are the two boys going? Locations
225 Tyutekhunyá:tha’ wa’yako We are going to the restaurant. Locations
226 Kátsha’ nu: weso Where are all of you going? Locations
227 Tyutʌhni:núhe’ wa’yako We are going to the store Locations
228 Kátsha’ nu: wesene̲ Where are you two going? Locations
229 Ukwehuwé:ne wáhke̲’ I am going to the reserve. Locations
230 Kátsha’ nu: wáhse̲’ Where are you going? Locations
231 Kanatá:ke ni: teknákehl̲e̲ I reside in town Locations
232 Ukwehuwé:ne ni: teknákehl̲e̲ I reside on the reserve. Locations
233 ukwehú:w̲e̲ original person Locations
234 Kátsha’ nu: tesnákehl̲e̲ Where do you reside? Locations
235 Hʌ: kwah nyo kwi: né: lohstelist Yes, and he was funny. Celebrations: The Fair
236 Wahetshalóloke’ kʌ otsistóhkwa wahó:sele’ nén tékni teyokahkwʌtute̲’ Did you watch the clown ride the two wheeler? Celebrations: The Fair
237 Hʌ: é:so kih Yes, there are a lot. Celebrations: The Fair
238 E:so kʌ kayá:lotu̲ Is there a lot of tents? Celebrations: The Fair
239 Tah otsistohkwa ni: wa’kheyatloloke̲’ No, I watched the clowns. Celebrations: The Fair
240 Wahsatloloke’ kʌ nén kohsa:tʌs tekuleluhe’ Did you watch the horse races? Celebrations: The Fair
241 tékni teyokahkwʌ́:tute̲’ bicycle or two wheeler Celebrations: The Fair
242 otsistóhkwa clown Celebrations: The Fair
243 tehutyelunyuhe̲’ performers Celebrations: The Fair
244 kakhwa’shuha̲ foods (many types) Celebrations: The Fair
245 kayalo:tu̲ tents Celebrations: The Fair
246 latiksa’shuha tehuleluhe’ children racing Celebrations: The Fair
247 kohsá:tʌs tekuleluhe’ race horses Celebrations: The Fair
248 Tah só:tsi’ yohsno:le tsi’ tewahkwatá:ses̲ No it goes around too fast. Celebrations: The Fair
249 Ihselhe’ kʌ a:satítan yakotsihalatenyatha̲’ Are you going on the twirl ride? Celebrations: The Fair
250 Hʌ́: swahyó:wane’ wá:yat i:kelhe’ takatna’talakʌ́:ni̲ Yes, I have an apple pie for the contest. Celebrations: The Fair
251 Sá:yʌ kʌ wá:yat tasatna’talakʌ́n̲i̲ Do you have a pie for the pie contest? Celebrations: The Fair
252 Hʌ: i:kelhe’ takatkʌnyéhsa’ atsyók Yes, I want to go to the fair later. Celebrations: The Fair
253 Wa’tehshatkʌnyéhsa’ kʌ nu’uwa̲’ Are you going to the fair this time? Celebrations: The Fair
254 tehutkʌnyéhse̲’ fair Celebrations: The Fair
255 tasatkʌ́:ni̲ to enter a contest Celebrations: The Fair
256 lutita’asta̲ rides Celebrations: The Fair
257 yakotsihalatenyátha̲ the twirl ride Celebrations: The Fair
258 swahyó:wan̲e̲’ apple Food
259 kohsá:tʌs horse Celebrations: The Fair
260 lutekhwaní:nuhe̲’ food vendors Food
261 lotinʌlahsluniháti parade Celebrations: The Fair
262 Kwah ki’nok kayé: ní:ku̲ Just four of them Celebrations: The Fair
263 To: niku onu’usehle’ tʌkʌ:sel̲e̲’ How many pickles do you want me to peel? Food
264 Ne: kwí tʌ sla’wistakʌsehle’ onu’usehl̲e̲’ You should peel the cucumbers. Food
265 Tʌsatnu’uslahyo:tsiste’ kʌ Are you going to make salted pickles? Food
266 Hʌ: ikelhe’ ki’ akatayalit yotshe’tʌ́:tu:h̲e̲’ Yes I want to can some pears. Food
267 ʌsatayalite’ kʌ nu’uwa̲’ Are you going to can fruit this time? Food
268 satá:yaliht can fruit Food
269 tehsatnu’uhslahyo:tsiste̲’ make dill pickles Food
270 satahyátat dry the fruit Food
271 swisto:kwanust káhik freeze the fruit Food
272 tehsnu’slá:lit cut up the cucumbers Food
273 sahyohale̲’ wash the fruit Food
274 ʌslihatet kahik boil the fruit Food
275 tehsahyakʌ:sel̲ peel the fruit Food
276 katshetaku setan put in the jar Food
277 snú:tek put the lid on Food
278 yutekhwayʌ:he’ nikaha:w̲í̲: storing food time Food
279 Hʌ: tahnuwi: wa’ketsyá:kʌ̲ Yes, and I worked very hard. School: Graduation
280 Hʌ: okni’ i:se̲’ Yes, did you? School: Graduation
281 Wa’tehsatu:kóhte’ kʌ Did you graduate? School: Graduation
282 Tah ahsuki te’wakatya’tawihtsláyʌ tatnú:wa’ ʌyolhʌne’ kanatá:ke wa’yakne’ aknúlha No I don’t have a dress yet maybe tomorrow my mother and I are going uptown. Clothes
283 Nʌ kʌ sá:yʌ: atyá:tawiht tsi’ káyʌ satstá:n̲e̲’ Do you have a dress yet that you are going to wear? Clothes
284 Né: tho:ne’ kwi: tehutkwáne’ tsi’ tyutatlihunyʌnitha̲’ They will have a dance at the school. School
285 Ne: ka’i:kʌ nikaha:wi nale’ wa’kwatolishʌ yakwatayatha̲’ This is the time of the year that the students take a holiday from school. School
286 ka’slehtés limousine School: Graduation
287 Wa’ketsyá:kʌ̲ I worked very hard School: Graduation
288 Atyá:tawiht a dress Clothes
289 Wa’tesatkwá:na’ kʌ are you going to the dance? School: Graduation
290 Tehutkwan̲e̲’ they are having a dance School: Graduation
291 Wa’tyutú:kote̲’ she graduated School: Graduation
292 Wa’thatú:kote̲’ he graduated School: Graduation
293 Wa’tesatú:kote̲’ you graduated (passed a grade) School: Graduation
294 Lutawyáth̲a̲ the students School
295 Wahutolíshʌ̲’ they rest In The Morning
296 Nʌ kʌ thoha nʌ: ʌwahyʌtane̲’ Are the berries almost done? Food: Picking Berries
297 Wé:ne ʌwá:tu é:so ʌkayako̲ I guess I can pick a lot of berries. Food: Picking Berries
298 Khále’ niwahyowanʌse̲’ And the berries are real big. Food: Picking Berries
299 Tahnu wé:ni tsi’ niyotahyú:ni̲ It looks like there are a lot of berries. Food: Picking Berries
300 Ni:yót ni:yohahe:súse̲’ Look at the long rows Food: Picking Berries
301 Hʌ: tahnu: tsi’ nikahʌtowá:n Yes, and it is a big field Food: Picking Berries
302 Wahsatkatho’ kʌ i:si’ nukwa tkahʌtayʌ nén awʌhihte̲’ Do you see the strawberry field over there? Food: Picking Berries
303 ʌswisto:kwanuste̲’ freeze them Food: Picking Berries
304 kʌ’ niwahya:sa’ small berries Food: Picking Berries
305 uyʌ:tane̲’ berries are done Food: Picking Berries
306 teyohyahyotsis sour fruit Food: Picking Berries
307 ʌsata:yálite̲ can fruit Food: Picking Berries
308 wa’katnan̲e̲’ I filled (a basket) Food: Picking Berries
309 ashé:nute̲ basket Food: Picking Berries
310 yohahe:súse̲̲’ long rows Food: Picking Berries
311 Kahʌtowá:n big field Food: Picking Berries
312 kahʌ:táyʌ̲ field Food: Picking Berries
313 Wé:ne tsi’ nʌ kukwité:ne tsi’ nʌ é:so yontlatute’ nén kalutó:tu̲ it must be springtime because there are a lot of leaves on the trees. Food: Picking Berries
314 O’nu:wa: kʌ ʌsátste’ nén ʌsata’slú:ni̲ are you going to use the strips of black ash when you make a basket? Food: Picking Berries
315 Takʌ ʌtesahítyak tho ká:yʌ nén o:nhahte̲’ don’t trip on the branch laying there. Food: Picking Berries
316 Wé:ne tsi’ latunyá:ne’ nén wáhta óshes I guess he’s going to make maple syrup Food: Picking Berries
317 Laksótha wahahkalotʌ nén wáhta kalútote̲’ my grandfather tapped the maple tree. Food: Picking Berries
318 Né: kʌ nén kwah ok thikuné:se’ ótsitsi is it the wild flowers? Food: Picking Berries
319 Hao’ tsi’ kalhayʌ’ yeheten tnitsi’tsyakóna̲ let’s go to the forest to gather flowers. Food: Picking Berries
320 óshes sap or syrup Plants: Trees
321 kalutó:tu̲: group of trees Plants: Trees
322 kelhíhte̲’ forest trees Plants: Trees
323 o’nú:w̲a̲: strips of black ash Plants
324 ká:nʌhe̲’ seed Plants
325 kaská:wayʌ̲’ bushes Plants
326 onláhte̲’ leaf Plants
327 kalhayʌ’ forest Plants
328 o:nháhte̲’ unattached branch Plants
329 yo’nháhtot̲e̲’ attached branch Plants
330 Takʌ só:tsi’ akta nyʌhʌse’ tsi’ tkalutóte’ nén aslók don’t go near the thorn tree. Plants
331 Hʌ né: ki’ kanutunyúhe̲’ yes, I’m thinking about it. Yes and No
332 Ok nén wihsu ʌsatayalíte’ kʌ nʌ né: what about the plums, are you going to can them? Food: Picking Berries
333 Hao’ ki’wah tho’nʌ ʌtyatayálite̲’ ok then we will can it. Food: Picking Berries
334 Hao’ kwi tyahyaka tsi’ tkalutote’ nén e:lí̲ come, lets get the fruit from the cherry tree. Plants
335 Tah yah kwi te’wakanúhte̲ no, I didn’t know Plants
336 Sanúhte’ kʌ tsi’ lutitslunyatha’ nén tekanʌ’takwʌhtʌ̲ do you know that they make tea from cedar? Plants
337 tsiláhsal ironwood Plants: Trees
338 yonahsa’kʌ́slal̲e̲’ spruce Plants: Trees
339 o’ne:yál beech Plants: Trees
340 ohnakʌhsa̲’ white birch Plants: Trees
341 aslók thorn Plants
342 wíhsu̲’ plum Food
343 kanʌ’tú:sa’ hemlock pine Plants: Trees
344 tsyohsó:kwes butternut Plants: Trees
345 e:lí̲ cherry Food
346 tekanʌ’takwʌ́htʌ̲’ cedar Plants: Trees
347 Washeyatló:loke’ kati’ kʌ nén tsistoka’tá:n̲e̲’ Did you watch the fireflies? Animals: Insects
348 Wa’keyatló:loke’ nén kana:wʌ: kʌ’ latityenutyese̲’ I watched the butterflies flying around. Animals: Insects
349 Yah kati’ kʌ otsi’nuhwahé:ta̲’ isn’t it the earthworm Animals: Insects
350 Sanúhte’ kʌ na’katsi’nuyótʌ lutsta nʌ ukuyohkawinésa̲’ Do you know what kind of insect they use when they go fishing? Animals: Insects
351 Kwa’nyo lotityohkwanʌ nén okalyahtá:ne̲’ There are sure a lot of mosquitoes. Animals: Insects
352 Nok ʌwá:tu ʌsehnikúlalake takʌ’ tʌyawe’est tsinuhnehklís You have to be careful that the bee doesn’t sting you. Animals: Insects
353 Né: kwi: nu’u:wa ʌyethina’tuni tsyokna’katsi’nuyotʌse̲’ We will name the different kinds of insects Animals: Insects
354 watlʌ:náyʌhe̲’ praying mantis Animals: Insects
355 otsi’nuwahéta̲’ earthworm Animals: Insects
356 tsistoka’tá:ne̲’ firefly Animals: Insects
357 slíkslik cricket Animals: Insects
358 okalyahtá:ne̲’ mosquito Animals: Insects
359 tsistalak grasshopper Animals: Insects
360 onhwalá:n̲e̲’ caterpiller Animals: Insects
361 kana:wʌ̲́: butterfly Animals: Insects
362 tsinuhnéhklis bee Animals: Insects
363 tsi’nhutstókhwi̲’ ant Animals: Insects
364 Wa’eskalakone’ kʌ nén sanulha Is your mother going to pick flax? Plants
365 Wahsahyaka’ káti’ kʌ nén shá:yese̲’ Are you going to pick thimbleberries? Plants
366 Hʌ thonʌ wá:yat ʌkatú:ni̲ Yes, then I am going to make pie. Food
367 Wahsahyaka kʌ alá:sek Are you going to pick elderberries? Plants
368 Né: ki’ tat sahsaka khále’ satholyahslyúse̲ it’s for coughs and if you have a cold. Plants
369 Náhte’ né: yotlihute̲ What is it used for? Food: Picking Berries
370 Hao’ kwi tnikó:na nén onunó:li̲: lets go get some sweet flax Plants
371 ohté:la̲’ root Plants
372 kanʌhe̲’ seed Plants
373 okuhsyu:ta̲ sunflower Plants
374 ohyu:kwál̲a̲’ thistle Plants
375 óskal̲e̲’ flax Plants
376 ala:sék elderberry Plants
377 otshohkhwi̲ blueberry Plants
378 teyothutá:ktu̲ blackcap Plants
379 shá:yese̲’ thimbleberry Plants
380 Tsi’ niwaku’weskwanihe’ nén akeyatloló:ke’ nén laulau tho latityenutyese̲’ I like to see the hummingbirds flying around. Animals: Birds
381 Hʌ nok tsi’ yah ki’ nuwʌtu te’wake’waláku yes but I have never eaten the meat Food: Picking Berries
382 Nʌ kʌ né: nʌwʌtu shekʌ nén kwah ok thikuné:se’ skawiló:wan̲e̲’ did you ever see the wild turkey? Animals: Birds
383 Hʌ thoki’ Springbank thunése’ yes they are at the Springbank Animals: Birds
384 Nʌ kʌ nise: nʌwʌtu hetskʌ nén wa’kohseskó: did you ever see the peacock? Animals: Birds
385 Wé:ne kwi tsiskó:ko I guess the robin Animals: Birds
386 Náhte’ ne na’katsi’tʌslotʌ kwah tyotyelʌtu ʌswawe’ nʌ́: kukwí:te̲ what is the first bird to return in the spring? Animals: Birds
387 wa’kohseskó peacock Animals: Birds
388 skawiló:wane̲’ turkey Animals: Birds
389 kalhakú:h̲a̲ chicken hawk Animals: Birds
390 ká:ka’ crow Animals: Birds
391 kwaló:lu̲ owl Animals: Birds
392 Tekahnekákhwa̲: swallow (a bird) Animals: Birds
393 kanata’kékha sparrow Animals: Birds
394 tsiskó:ko’ robin Animals: Birds
395 otsi’nkwalá goldfinch Animals: Birds
396 Laulau hummingbird Animals: Birds
397 Ok nén kohkwá:e what about the quail or bobwhite? Animals: Birds
398 Onikwʌhtala: ki’ nén kohslakweku kʌ’ lʌ:nése̲’ cardinals stay here all winter. Animals: Birds
399 Náhte’ káti’ né: na’katsi’tʌ’slotʌ kʌ’ kunese’ kohslakwé:ku̲ what kind of birds stay all winter? Animals: Birds
400 Talu’kó: kwi nén ʌti nyekunese’ nʌ kanana’kene̲ Ducks go south in the fall. Animals: Birds
401 Náhte’ káti’ né: na’katsitʌ’slotʌ’ nén ʌti nukwá nyekunese’ nén kananakene̲ what kind of birds go south in the fall? Animals: Birds
402 Né: ki’ nén atú:nyote’ kwah tkuwalihowanáhtu it is the eagle they hold most high Animals: Birds
403 Náhte’ na’katsi’tʌ sló:tʌ kwah tkuwalihowanáhtu nén Onʌyota’a:ka What bird do Oneida people hold most high? Animals: Birds
404 tawistáwi̲ kildeer Animals: Birds
405 olí:te̲: mourning dove Animals: Birds
406 atú:nyote̲’ eagle Animals: Birds
407 talu’kó duck Animals: Birds
408 lalutastohoksha̲ woodpecker Animals: Birds
409 kohkwá:e bobwhite or quail Animals: Birds
410 klikli bluejay Animals: Birds
411 onikwʌhtala cardinal Animals: Birds
412 taluló:lu̲ bluebird Animals: Birds
413 kahúk wild goose Animals: Birds
414 Sanúhte’ kʌ to:nihoti’taláke nén Onʌyota’a:ka̲ Do you know how many clans Oneida people have? Clans
415 Hao’ kwi tasna’tuni nén tsi’ nihoti’taló:tʌse̲’ You name the clans then Clans
416 Hao’ ohkwá:li a’nó:wal khále’ othayú:ni̲ Ok, bear, turtle and wolf Clans
417 Sanúhte’ káti’ kʌ tsi’ sanulha tsi’ nityakotwatsilí:nu né: katáti Do you know that you follow your mother’s line? Clans
418 Teyotuhutsyu kwi né: ahonanuhteke’ ka’i:kʌ nén ukwahwá:tsile̲’ Our families should know this Clans
419 otala’shúh̲a̲ clans Clans
420 watahsatalha̲’ television In The House
421 atekhwahlakhwa̲’ table In The House
422 tsi’ yekunya’takhwa̲’ stove In The House
423 tsi’ yelatʌstakhwa̲’ steps or stairs In The House
424 yutkʌhakwʌhtalhó:tha̲’ rug In The House
425 tsi’ yutolishʌtakhwa̲’ couch or lounge In The House
426 tsi’ yenʌhale’taynukhwa̲’ laundry room In The House
427 yetsistotakhwa̲’ lamp In The House
428 tsi’ yekunyatha̲’ kitchen Food
429 uhutu yonhoka:lute̲’ front door In The House
430 tsi’ yutekhwawistotakhwa̲’ fridge In The House
431 tsi’ lutekunyatha̲’ dining room In The House
432 tsi’ yutslunyakwihalákhwa̲’ coat rack In The House
433 yelistalhó:tha̲’ clothes iron In The House
434 yutslunyakwihalakhwa̲’ closet In The House
435 anitskwalakhwa̲’ chair In The House
436 wa’shalowá:n butcher knife Food
437 tsi’ yunuwehtsta̲’ bedroom In The House
438 ka:nákte̲’ bed In The House
439 ohnákʌ’ yonhoka:lute̲’ back door In The House
440 Watlu’ niyowista:e tsi’ niyole: ahsʌ swatye:lʌ kayé: 9:00 until 3:00 sometimes 4:00 Learning Oneida (Language)
441 Ohniyotuhati nu’ú:wa̲’ What’s going on today? Learning Oneida (Language)
442 elhúwa kateyʌtet (just now) new learner Learning Oneida (Language)
443 Watsyok ʌtutaoyʌte̲ the speakers will be coming in today Learning Oneida (Language)
444 Katsi’tsyókwas khále’ Kanʌhlʌt kʌ íknehse’ nu’úwa̲ Katsi’tsyókwas and Kanʌhlʌt are here today Learning Oneida (Language)
445 Í:selhe’ kʌ Twatéyʌtet Onʌyota’á:ka̲ Do you want an Oneida Lesson book? Learning Oneida (Language)
446 Yah te waki I don’t have any Misc.
447 tewakenhala:u I am busy Learning Oneida (Language)
448 tyotkút tewakenhala:u ukwehu:wehneke I am always busy with the language Learning Oneida (Language)
449 E:so ukyatakenha’ ukwehuwehne:ke akatwanú:tak It helps me speak Oneida Learning Oneida (Language)
450 E:so waki tsyok náhte’shu ukwehuweneke kaya:tale̲ I have lots of things for our language(pictures) Learning Oneida (Language)
451 tʌyakwatahyá:lihte̲’ we will have strawberries Food: Strawberry Jam Making
452 ʌyokalawe̲’ tonight Time
453 ʌkatá:yalihte̲’ for me to can Food: Picking Berries
454 ʌsata:yalíte̲’ for you to can Food: Picking Berries
455 ʌyolhʌne̲ tomorrow Time
456 kawistokwanʌsta̲ freezer Food: Picking Berries
457 ʌkwisto:kwanʌste̲’ I will freeze it Food: Picking Berries
458 kʌtyohkwá:nʌ̲ a lot of people Food: Picking Berries
459 Atsyók wakahyákha’ awʌhíhte’ ʌwá:tu tʌ:yakwatahyá:lite’ ʌyokalawe̲’ I am going to pick strawberries afterwhile so that we can have some tonight Food: Strawberry Jam Making
460 Okna’ kʌ yohyáli̲ are the berries ripe already? Food: Picking Berries
461 Hʌ́: nʌki’ yohyáli̲ Yes the berries are ripe Food: Picking Berries
462 Wé:ni kwi: ʌyolhʌne’ ni: ʌkahyakha I:sʌ takatahyalihte̲’ I guess I will go and pick berries tomorrow so I can have some berries too. Food: Picking Berries
463 I:kelhe’ sʌ tohka nikanutotslake akwistokwanʌste’ ok’ni’i:se̲’ I want to freeze a few boxes, what about you? Food: Picking Berries
464 Yah ki’ ni: teyukwáyʌ kawisto’kwanʌsta̲ Wé:ni kwi: ʌkatá:yalihte’ ni’ i: we don’t have a freezer, so I have to can mine Food: Picking Berries
465 Kʌtyohkwanʌ kyu’utewí:ne latiwisto’kwanʌsta tsyok nahohte̲ I guess a lot of people freeze almost anything Food: Picking Berries
466 awʌhíhte̲’ strawberry Food
467 wakhyatuhslú:nti i lost my card (paper) Money and Shopping
468 yotóktani: akhyatuhsehli̲ it expired (my card) Money and Shopping
469 a:sé usaskhuni make me a new one Money and Shopping
470 tewakatuhutsyoní status card I need my status card Money and Shopping
471 í:kelhe’ akhwistako I want to get my money Money and Shopping
472 í:kelhe’ akalyákha wakatkaló:t I want to pay my bill Money and Shopping
473 í:kehle’ thoyaukyatuhslú:ti̲ I want to put these papers in (to finance for example) Money and Shopping
474 snanhú: ka’í:kʌ kayatuhsehli̲ you fill out this paper Money and Shopping
475 tasataoyát enter (come on in) Commands
476 isi’ yonhakalú:te̲ there is the door Greetings & Goodbyes
477 náhte’ tesatuhútsyoni̲ what do you need? Learning Oneida (Language)
478 satnutút nyá:lek̲w̲e̲ wait a minute Learning Oneida (Language)
479 luwatiya’takenhas he or she is helping them Learning Oneida (Language)
480 ʌwatú:kʌ akuya’takenha̲’ can I help you? Learning Oneida (Language)
481 shekoli skʌna’kó: kʌ́ hello, are you at peace? Greetings & Goodbyes
482 kheya’takenhas ukwe:hu:we̲ helping the original people Misc.
483 wahsakayu:tese̲’ thundering Weather
484 luhyohkawí:nese̲’ they are fishing Food: Fishing
485 latitsyayé:nas they are catching fish Food: Fishing
486 kayʌhakta near the river Food: Fishing
487 aslí:ye̲ string Food: Fishing
488 nʌ ki’ kukwité:ne nʌ ya’kahewe’ tsi’ nihuyohkawiné:se̲ it is now spring, it is time to fish Food: Fishing
489 Sanúhte’ kʌ náhte’ lutsta nʌ uhoyóhkawin̲e̲ do you know what they use when they fish? Food: Fishing
490 hʌ asliyé: kʌs ataslá:ke wahʌnohalʌ̲ yes they put a string on a stick Food: Fishing
491 su’weskwanihe’ kʌ nise: asahyohkawin̲e̲ do you like (enjoy) to fish? Food: Fishing
492 hʌ tatki’ wʌhnisli:yo̲ yes if it is a nice day Food: Fishing
493 katsha’ kʌs nu: wahsayohkawinesa̲’ where do you go to fish? Food: Fishing
494 tho ki’ kahyʌhaku̲ at the river Food: Fishing
495 áhta’ né: ka’í:kʌ̲ this is a shoe or boot Clothes
496 aná:lole’ né: ka’í:kʌ̲ this is a hat Clothes
497 kohsla’kekha’ atslunyá:k̲h̲w̲a̲’ winter clothing Time: Seasons: Winter
498 kohsla’kekha’ atyá:tawiht winter jacket Time: Seasons: Winter
499 kohsla’kekha’ a’nhuskwál̲h̲a̲’ winter pants Time: Seasons: Winter
500 a’nyá:nawʌ̲ glove Clothes
501 yunihtyákta̲ scarf Clothes
502 Onʌyota’a:ká: niwakuhutsyó:tʌ̲ Oneida is my nation Locations
503 Thiwésa is my name Thiwésa ní: yukyáts Greetings & Goodbyes
504 ohkwalí niwaki’taló:tʌ̲ bear is my clan Clans
505 Onʌyota’a:ká: ukwehuwé:ne nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ Oneida reserve is where I live Locations
506 Clara yohatati tsi’ nú: teknakéhl̲e̲’ Clara road is where I live on Locations
507 Tsyá:tak niwashʌ watlu’ na’tewakohsliyá:ku̲ seventy nine is how old I am Greetings & Goodbyes
508 Onʌyota’á:ka Lutwʌnutakhwa’ Kʌtyohkwayʌ tsi’ nú: yekatawyá:th̲a̲’ Oneida Language Centre is where I go to school Locations
509 Lillian yutatyáts aknulha Lillian is my mother’s name Family
510 Joseph luwa:yáts lake’nih̲a̲ Joseph is my father’s name Family
511 Sophie né: yutatyáts aksóth̲a̲ Sophie is my grandmother’s name Family
512 Sandy né: luwa:yáts laksóth̲a̲ Sandy is my grandfather’s name Family
513 tho ya’sa:tí kana:tsyaku̲ you put it in the pot Food
514 tho ya’sa:tí ate’skutakhwá:slaku̲ you put it in the frying pan Food
515 swayʌ́tako:n̲a̲’ you 3 get more wood Hunting
516 o:yʌte̲ wood Hunting
517 salha:lé: kʌ are you ready? Hunting
518 ʌse’nikú:lalak you will keep watch! Hunting
519 ate’skutákhw̲a̲’ frying pan Food
520 yona’talastátu̲ crackers Food
521 koskos o’wá:l̲u̲’ bacon or ham (pig meat) Food
522 kanʌstóhale̲ cornbread Food
523 yonukwalahní:lʌ̲ cheese Food
524 teka’walahlihtu (ground) chopped meat Food
525 ola:n̲á̲ cornsoup Food
526 tekantlahtayestu̲ salad Food
527 tehsa’nhuskwa’lho:lók you put your pants on Clothes
528 sa’nhuskwá:lh̲a̲’ your pants Clothes
529 a’nhuskwá:lh̲a’ pants Clothes
530 wahíyu̲ I gave (or give) to him Hunting
531 wa’kheyu̲ I gave (or give) to her Hunting
532 salha:lé: kʌ are you ready? Hunting
533 watyokwalunyá:tu o’wa:l̲u̲ smoked meat Hunting
534 salú:tat you shoot Hunting
535 onʌ:ya̲ bullets Hunting
536 yutlistayʌta:khwa̲’ traps Hunting
537 kohslake:ne̲’ winter Time: Seasons
538 kayu:kwíl̲e̲’ arrow Hunting
539 a’ʌ:ná̲ bow Hunting
540 káhul̲e̲’ gun Hunting
541 shekoli Barbara ní: yukyats hello, my name is Barbara Greetings & Goodbyes
542 náhte’ yesa:yáts what is your name? Greetings & Goodbyes
543 yah te’wakata’kalíte̲ I am not well Greetings & Goodbyes
544 wakata’kalité: ki I am well Greetings & Goodbyes
545 sata’kalíte: kʌ are you well? Greetings & Goodbyes
546 shekoli ohniyotuháti hello, how’s it going? Greetings & Goodbyes
547 wakatshanu:ní tsi’ sakúk I am happy to see you Greetings & Goodbyes
548 sʌnʌsliyóste̲’ (you) have a good day Greetings & Goodbyes
549 nʌki’wah see you again (goodbye) Greetings & Goodbyes
550 atyanlúhsla’ ghost Celebrations: Halloween
551 tho’nʌ: next Time
552 yakukwehuwé̲ original person female Misc.
553 lukwehuwé̲ original person male Misc.
554 ukwehuwé̲ original person Misc.
555 ʌtekheyú: náhte’ wakí I will give it to them what I have Misc.
556 katukwe’tiyóstha’ tyótkut I always try to be a good person Misc.
557 kheya’takénhas I help them or her Learning Oneida (Language)
558 Oskanhe’ yukniyo:té: nen teyakyatátisnye together the two of us work we take care of each other Misc.
559 Tyótkut tewaktíhʌ nen akwa:tsil̲é̲ always I care about my family Family
560 ni’ khenolúkhwa akwa:tsil̲é̲ I love my family Family
561 Shekolí tsi’ ni wakatshánu:ni̲ hello I am so happy Greetings & Goodbyes
562 laksótha̲ my grandfather Family
563 aksótha̲ my grandmother Family
564 né: ka’í:kʌ aknulhá this is my mother Family
565 né: ka’í:kʌ lake’niha̲ this is my father Family
566 úhka’ sanulhá who is your mother? Family
567 úhka’ náhte’ ya’níha̲ who is your father? Family
568 úhka’ ka’í:kʌ̲ who is this? Family
569 né: ka’í:kʌ laowá:tsil̲e̲’ this is his family Family
570 né: ka’í:kʌ akohwá:tsil̲e̲’ this is her family Family
571 né: ka’í:kʌ sahwá:tsil̲e̲’ this is your family Family
572 né: ka’í:kʌ akhwá:tsil̲e̲’ this is my family Family
573 akohwá:tsile’ ka’í:kʌ̲ her family, this is Family
574 laotshe:nʌ̲́: his pet Family: Pets
575 akotshe:nʌ̲́: her pet Family: Pets
576 satshe:nʌ̲́: your pet Family: Pets
577 akitshe:nʌ̲́: my pet Family: Pets
578 laowá:tsile̲’ his family Family
579 akowá:tsile̲’ her family Family
580 sahwá:tsile̲’ your family Family
581 akhwá:tsile̲’ my family Family
582 Se’nikulalak tsi’ ní:yot tsi’ ʌhetsya’tahawe̲’ you be careful with the baby Family: Babies
583 tekawiláke̲’ two babies Family: Babies
584 kʌ’ nikawí:la né: ka’í:kʌ̲ this is a baby Family: Babies
585 loslʌ́htalahse̲’ he is a sleepy baby Family: Babies
586 nyoh wí: laksa’tiyo̲ he is a nice looking baby boy Family: Babies
587 lonu’utste̲’ he has no hair Family: Babies
588 na’tehakahlí:yose̲’ he has nice eyes Family: Babies
589 lonuhkwíslehs he has lots of hair Family: Babies
590 lonuhwaktánihe̲’ he is sick Family: Babies
591 lota’kalí:te̲ he is healthy Family: Babies
592 lolehse̲ he is fat Family: Babies
593 owilá:se̲:’ new baby Family: Babies
594 kʌ’ nú:kwa hetshátleha̲’ here is your grandson Family: Babies
595 Hʌ: wakí kiwah nʌ’ne: tekawistake’ ne: nikanol̲u̲ Yes I have some, it costs $2.00 Money and Shopping
596 Ok’nén onʌ́ste’ yunyá:tu what about corn chips? Money and Shopping
597 Hʌ: skawistat tsya:tak níwashʌ kwenis nikanol̲u̲ Yes, it costs $1.70 Money and Shopping
598 Ok’nén teyonutatkitslale’shuha’ sáyʌ: kʌ nʌ’ne: what about candy? do you have some? Money and Shopping
599 Hʌ: waknatala yʌ’ ki ahsʌ nikahwistake’ nikanol̲u̲’ Yes I have bread $3.00 is what it costs Money and Shopping
600 sáyʌ: kʌ kanatalok aukuhní:nu̲’ Have you got bread? I would buy it. Money and Shopping
601 teyonutatkitslale’shuh̲a̲ candies or any sweets Food
602 onʌste’ yunyá:tu it is made from corn Plants: Corn
603 téhsekhw̲e̲’ you pick it up Commands
604 aukoha:lʌ́ otsinehtál̲a̲ I would put the bead on Commands
605 aukoha:lʌ́’ katsi’kohal I would put it on the safety pin Commands
606 ʌhsoha:lʌ̲́: you will put it on Commands
607 testsikotalhu̲ you close it Commands
608 katsi’kohal safety pin Misc.
609 otsinehtál̲a̲’ bead Misc.
610 í:hsle’ kʌ’ sheku usasnikil̲a̲’ do you want more to drink? Food
611 í:hsle’ kʌ’ __ do you want (bread)? Misc.
612 náhte’ né: thí:kʌ̲ what is that?(just pointing to something) Learning Oneida (Language)
613 náhte’ né: ka’í:kʌ̲ what is this? (holding object) Learning Oneida (Language)
614 sheku né: satsí:l̲u̲ you say it again(repeat it) Learning Oneida (Language)
615 náhte’ ʌkilu’ ___? how will I say _____? Learning Oneida (Language)
616 náhte’ asilu __? how would you say (english word here)__? Learning Oneida (Language)
617 wáhta̲’ maple tree Plants: Trees
618 kantlu’ white ash tree Plants: Trees
619 ohnéta̲’ evergreen tree Plants: Trees
620 onú:kala̲’ hickory tree Plants: Trees
621 ohó:sela̲’ basswood tree Plants: Trees
622 o’né:yal beech tree Plants: Trees
623 awʌhaníkwal soft maple tree Plants: Trees
624 kahuwé:ya̲: black ash tree Plants: Trees
625 ohnakʌhsa̲’ white birch tree Plants: Trees
626 yotnakalatá:se̲ blue birch tree Plants: Trees
627 Náhte’ na’kalutotʌ nén oshes khále’ onutakehli’ tsi’ nitkúnese̲’ What kind of tree does the syrup and sugar come from? Plants: Trees
628 Tho kwi né: newé:ne tsi’ wahta̲’ it is obvious its the maple tree Plants: Trees
629 Náhte’ káti’ né: na’kalutotʌ’ nén yuta’aslunyata̲’ What kind of tree do you make baskets with? Plants: Trees
630 Yah káti’ kʌ kahuwé:ya̲: Isn’t it the black ash? Plants: Trees
631 Náhte’ káti’ né: na’kalutotʌ twalutota’ nʌ wʌhnislowá:n What kind of tree do we put up at the big day or christmas? Plants: Trees
632 Wé:ne kwi ohnéhta̲’ I guess it is the evergreen Plants: Trees
633 Waksohkwalukóna ki’ tsi’ tkalutote’ nen onú:kala̲’ I am going to gather nuts at the hickory tree Plants: Trees
634 Owisá:ke né: tehonatwiskwa’tuháti latiksa’shúh̲a̲ The children are sliding on the ice. Celebrations: Christmas
635 Wahsatlolóka’ kʌ owisá:ke tehutshikwa’eks Are you going to watch the hockey game? Celebrations: Christmas
636 Ni:yót né: tehutatenyʌtoya’aks latiksa’shúha̲ Look at the children throwing snow at each other. Celebrations: Christmas
637 Onutahalá:ke ki’ né: tehute’slehtahélh̲a̲’ They are sleigh riding on the hill Celebrations: Christmas
638 Tekyatakhétsta’ ki’ nén tekniksa The two girls are skating Celebrations: Christmas
639 Tsi’ na’teyowihskwat owaháke̲ The road is slippery Time: Seasons: Winter
640 Tsi’ na’teyohwísute’ atste̲ It is icy outside Time: Seasons: Winter
641 yonu’uti snow pellets Time: Seasons: Winter
642 yowisúti ice pellets Time: Seasons: Winter
643 teyohwískwat it is slippery Time: Seasons: Winter
644 teyohwísute̲’ it is icy Time: Seasons: Winter
645 tehute’slehtahélha̲’ sleigh riding Celebrations: Christmas
646 tehutatenyʌtóya’aks they are throwing snow at each other Celebrations: Christmas
647 owisá:ke tehutshikwa’eks hockey Sports
648 tehuta’kétsta̲’ skating Celebrations: Christmas
649 yotsistóhkwal̲e̲’ star Celebrations: Christmas
650 tʌtwatatawiní (we all) exchange gifts (with each other) Celebrations: Christmas
651 shako:wíhe̲’ santa claus (he who gives) Celebrations: Christmas
652 skʌ:nʌ́: kʌhák tsi’ yohutsya:té̲ there is peace on earth Celebrations: Christmas
653 Wʌhnislowá:nʌ ka:lúte̲’ Christmas tree Celebrations: Christmas
654 Yotshanunyát tsi’ wʌhnislowá:nʌ̲ Merry Christmas Celebrations: Christmas
655 wʌhnislowá:nʌ ka’íkʌ wʌhnisla:té̲: Christmas (this) day Celebrations: Christmas
656 wʌhnislowá:nʌ kahyatúhsel̲i̲ Christmas card Celebrations: Christmas
657 teyonutakli:tsale’ atʌ́:nis candy cane Celebrations: Christmas
658 kayatuhsli tekanuwalotálh̲u̲ paper chain Celebrations: Christmas
659 kwayatalukwas kayatuhsli cut the paper Celebrations: Christmas
660 kwayatalukwas kayatuhsli Onʌyota’á:ka thokʌ́ yá:t cutting the paper (that says Oneida) Celebrations: Christmas
661 yela’natakwa kayatuhsel̲i̲ tape the papers Celebrations: Christmas
662 tsyalehkwa’kʌ a:ukwistyo’kwa nʌstuke’ tsi’ náhe’ yoswá:u né: tsi’ nikawela’shatste̲’ I almost froze while the lights were off because it is so windy Weather
663 wa’ukwaswahse’ né: tsi’ nikawela’shátste̲’ our lights went out because it’s so windy Weather
664 tsi’ nikawela’shátste̲’ it’s very windy Weather
665 yowelú:tu̲ windy Weather
666 yohsutatlʌt scary night Celebrations: Halloween
667 lá:okwʌnya’ his costume Celebrations: Halloween
668 akokwʌnya’ her costume Celebrations: Halloween
669 akwakwʌnya’ my costume Celebrations: Halloween
670 akwatkuhsolokta’ my mask Celebrations: Halloween
671 awélu’uske̲’ witch Celebrations: Halloween
672 tsina’tsyakehte̲’ spider Celebrations: Halloween
673 otstókhwi̲’ blueberry Food
674 o’nʌhalkó: grapes Food
675 alá:sek elderberry Food
676 yonu’slaké:tote̲’ squash Food
677 onú:tsi̲ cabbage Food
678 onikwʌhtla’ nikahtehló:tʌ̲ beet Food
679 teyotsho’kwakwe’nú:ni̲ walnuts Food
680 otsinkhwala’ nikahtehló:tʌ̲ carrots Food
681 Ʌsatnʌstatate’ kʌ nén onʌhakʌ́:late̲ Are you going to dry the Indian corn? Food
682 Hʌ: tho’ nʌ ʌwá:tu né: ʌkatlanú:ni̲ Yes, then I can make cornsoup Food
683 Ʌwá:tu kʌ alá:sek wá:yat ʌsatna’talú:ni̲ Can you make elderberry pie? Food
684 Ʌsatsható: kʌ nén yonu’slaké:tote̲’ Are you going to bury the squash? Food
685 Tah oksa’ ki’ né: ʌkna’tishalʌ̲ No, I’m going to boil it right away. Food
686 shékoli hello Greetings & Goodbyes
687 tetwatunʌhelá:tu kakhwa’shuha̲ we give thanks for these foods Food
688 yehnikihlatha’ ó:wise̲’ drinking glass Food: Tableware
689 yehnikihlatha̲’ drinking mug Food: Tableware
690 atsí dinner plate Food: Tableware
691 atokwat spoon Food: Tableware
692 ashale̲’ knife Food: Tableware
693 ashekwe̲’ fork Food: Tableware
694 yutshokewatha̲’ napkin Food: Tableware
695 yutsholyatha̲’ bowl Food: Tableware
696 Tsha’tekohsélha̲’ February (Midwinter) Time: Months
697 Tewʌhníslya’ks March (the day is cut in two) Time: Months
698 Wahsakayu:té:se̲’ April (it’s thundering) Time: Months
699 Latiyʌ́thos May (they plant) Time: Months
700 Awʌhíhte̲’ June (strawberries) Time: Months
701 Ohyótshel̲i̲’ July (green beans) Time: Months
702 Onʌ́stase̲’ August (new corn) Time: Months
703 Yeyʌthókwas September (someone harvests) Time: Months
704 Yutékhwayʌh̲e̲’ October (someone store’s food) Time: Months
705 Tehutʌnuhela:túh̲e̲’ November (they give thanks) Time: Months
706 Wahsu:tés December (it’s a long night) Time: Months
707 Teyakohúhtya’ks January (someone’s ears are freezing) Time: Months
708 ʌshatshá:tu̲ bury it Commands
709 uská one Numbers
710 tékeni̲ two Numbers
711 ahsʌ̲́ three Numbers
712 kayé: four Numbers
713 wisk five Numbers
714 yá:yak six Numbers
715 tsyá:tak seven Numbers
716 teklu’ eight Numbers
717 wá:tlu’ nine Numbers
718 oyé:li̲ ten Numbers
719 hao satketsko̲ come on, get up! In The Morning
720 nʌki’ wa’katketsko̲ are you up? In The Morning
721 hʌ́:ʌ nʌki’ wa’katketsko̲ yes, I am up In The Morning
722 satslúni ó:nʌ̲ you get dressed now In The Morning
723 tho ni yót tsi’ satsluni yotholé nu’u:wa̲’ you dress warm it’s cold today Time: Seasons: Winter
724 ʌtyatekhunyá:na’ kʌ you and I will eat together Food
725 í:sehle’ kʌ a:shatna’talutʌ swahyó:wane’ wá:yat do you want to bake an apple pie? Food
726 wé:ne ki’ wah I guess so Yes and No
727 Thó: nikana’talá:ke̲ how many pies? Food
728 Wé:ne kwí: kayé: nikana’talá:ke̲ I guess four pies Food
729 Né: kʌ kwahotoku onutakli’ yʌsá:ti̲ will you make it with real sugar? Food
730 Né: se’wah sure will Yes and No
731 yonuhwélhote’ káhik peach Food
732 káhik fruit Food
733 yeyʌthókwas harvest Celebrations
734 ʌtehsatekhunyá:na kwí: nʌ ʌwatunisán̲e̲’ you come over and eat when the corn gets ripe Plants: Corn
735 né: ki’ ok ní: onʌhakʌ́:lat wakyʌtho̲ all I planted is Indian corn Plants: Corn
736 okni’í:se tetsyalu kʌ sayʌtho̲ and did you plant both kinds? Plants: Corn
737 tetsyalu kwí: wakyʌtho kanʌhʌ:ta’ khále’ onʌhakʌláte̲’ I planted both kinds, sweet corn and Indian corn Plants: Corn
738 nʌ ki’ thoha á:utunisan ka’í:kʌ ó:nʌste̲’ the corn is almost ripe Plants: Corn
739 hʌ́: nok tsi’ yahakwa tewakʌtí:yo̲ yes I did but it didn’t come up to good Plants: Corn
740 tsi’ niwakahʌtí:yo ó:nʌste sanʌstayʌtho kʌ ni í:s̲e̲ I have a real good crop of corn, did you plant corn? Plants: Corn
741 kaheló:tu̲ rows of corn Plants: Corn
742 ohel̲a̲ corn stalk Plants: Corn
743 kanʌhʌta̲ dried sweet corn Plants: Corn
744 onʌhakʌ́:late̲’ Indian corn Plants: Corn
745 sayʌ́th̲o̲ you have planted Plants: Planting
746 wakyʌ́tho I have planted Plants: Planting
747 á:utunisan̲e̲’ to mature(or ripen) Plants: Planting
748 tetsyá:lu̲ both Plants: Planting
749 yahakwa tewakʌtí:yo̲ my crop is not very good Plants: Planting
750 kahʌtí:yo̲ a good crop Plants: Planting
751 onʌstáse̲’ green corn Plants: Corn
752 wé:ni kwí: ʌwatú:kohte’ ʌti I guess this afternoon Money and Shopping
753 ʌwá:tu kánke káti’ ʌteskóhn̲a̲ yes it is possible, when will you come after it? Money and Shopping
754 ʌwá:tu kʌ óstuha akuhní:n̲u̲ is it possible to buy some from you? Money and Shopping
755 hʌ́: nʌ sok wah yes, they are ripe already Plants: Planting
756 okna’ kʌ yotunisu is it ripe already? Plants: Planting
757 nʌ kyále’ yakahéwe’ aetwasahé:taku ohyotshél̲i̲ it is time to pick butter beans Plants: Planting
758 tekahwístake̲’ two dollars Money and Shopping
759 tekatshé:take̲’ two quarts Money and Shopping
760 skatshé:tat one quart Money and Shopping
761 tó:nikano:l̲u̲ how much is it? Money and Shopping
762 ʌwá:tu̲ yes it is possible Yes and No
763 ʌwa:tú: kʌ is it possible? Yes and No
764 ʌteskóhn̲a̲’ you will come and get it Money and Shopping
765 yotunisu it is ripe Plants: Planting
766 aetwasahé:taku̲ to pick beans Plants: Planting
767 ohyótsheli̲ butter beans Plants: Planting
768 É:lhal khále’ takós ki’ swatyehlʌ kanúsku ni nákehle̲’ sometimes the dog and cat live in the house Animals
769 Kátsha’ kayʌ kanúsku kutinakehle̲’ which ones live in the house? Animals
770 Otyake’ ki’ kanúsku kutinakehle̲’ some live in the house(animals) Animals
771 Kátsha’ káti’ né: nú: nikutinakehle’ nén katshé:nʌ̲: where do the domestic animals live? Animals
772 Kalhaku né: kutinakehle’ nén kutilyó’shuha̲ wild animals live in the forest Hunting
773 katshé:nʌ̲ domestic animals Animals
774 skʌhnaksʌ̲ fox Hunting
775 kutilyo’shúha̲ wild animals Hunting
776 ashʌ ki’ né: nahoti’talake nén Onʌyota’á:ka Oneida people have three clans Clans
777 thayú:ni né: na’ako’taló:tʌ nén aksotha̲ wolf is my grandmother’s clan Clans
778 náhte’ kati né: na’ako’taló:tʌ nén sahsotha̲ what is your grandmother’s clan? Clans
779 a’nó:wal né: naho’taló:tʌ nén lake’niha̲ turtle is my fathers clan Clans
780 ok nen ya’niha náhte’ né: naho’taló:tʌ̲’ what about your father, what is his clan? Clans
781 Hʌ ohkwá:li ki’ né: na’ako’taló:tʌ’ nén aknulha yes, my mother’s clan is bear Clans
782 Sanúte’ kʌ náhte’ na’ako’taló:tʌ’ nén sanulha do you know what your mother’s clan is? Clans
783 Teyakohúhtyaks wʌhni’tatati freezing ears month - January Time: Months
784 á:se yohslá:te̲ new year Celebrations: New Year’s
785 í:kelhe’ ashuthu kʌ ʌtutasawʌ̲ I thought they start at midnight Celebrations
786 Tah só:tsi’ yata’tusahuleni tsi’ niyolé: ashuthu̲ no because it’s not over ‘til midnight Celebrations
787 Wahsatlʌnayʌna kʌ nén á:se yohslá:te yo’kalau are you going to church on new year’s eve? Celebrations: New Year’s
788 Hʌ ʌkheyuni ki’ nén kheyuhwátʌha yes, I’m going to make one for my niece Food: Doughnuts
789 ʌsatú:ni káti kʌ nén oyá:n kaya’tú:ni̲ are you going to make a doughnut doll? Food: Doughnuts
790 hʌ né: ki’ kanutuynúhe̲’ yes, I’m thinking about it Yes and No
791 satunya:ne’ kʌ nén oyá:n are you going to make doughnuts? Food: Doughnuts
792 tó:niyohwistaé what time is it? Time
793 wa’yólhʌne̲ come morning Time
794 kwahsutati all night Time
795 tayolhʌ’hati coming daylight Time
796 ahsuthu̲ midnight Time
797 lutlʌnayʌnese̲’ they go to church Locations
798 oyá:n kaya’túni̲ doughnut doll Food: Doughnuts
799 oyá:n doughnut Food: Doughnuts
800 onhéhta̲ porcupine Animals
801 tsyoní:tu̲’ beaver Animals
802 oná:kʌt groundhog Animals
803 ska’nyúhsa̲’ moose Animals
804 satuhkalyáks kʌh are you hungry? Food
805 hao’ satekhú:ni̲ come and eat Food
806 hao’ swatekhú:ni̲ all of you come and eat Food
807 náhte’ isle’ asék what do you want to eat? Food
808 náhte’ isle’ asnikí:la̲ what do you want to drink? Food
809 isle’ kʌh do you want…? Misc.
810 yawʌ’kó: a big thank you Greetings & Goodbyes
811 yó: your welcome Greetings & Goodbyes
812 hʌ́: né: wah yes, that is it Misc.
813 tah yah tʌh no, that is not it Misc.
814 yah te’ wáki I don’t have any Misc.
815 owistohsehl̲e̲ butter Food
816 tsyohyó:tsis salt Food
817 onúkwat pepper Food
818 ohnaná:ta̲ potato Food
819 o’walu̲’ meat Food
820 osahéth̲a̲ beans Food
821 onʌste̲’ corn Food
822 ohné:kanus water Food
823 ohnuta̲ milk Food
824 swahyó:wan̲e̲ apple Food
825 tewahyakháni tomato Food
826 á:nuk onion Food
827 wá:yat pie Food
828 kaná:talok (store bought) bread Food
829 kakhwa’shúh̲a̲ foods Food
830 yaweku kʌh does it taste good? Food
831 katsi’nkwalahu:tsi orange Food
832 satla’swiyóhak good luck! Sports
833 wáhse̲ go on Commands
834 waski’wáh go on then Commands
835 satkátho̲ (you) look! Commands
836 tas thí:kʌ̲ hand me that Commands
837 satkʌ́:lat stop it! or let go! Commands
838 tákʌ’ tʌhsaláhtat don’t run Commands
839 oskanʌ’shuha̲ slowly Commands
840 atsyók after while Commands
841 satnútut you wait Commands
842 tesaslíhʌ̲ hurry up Commands
843 hanyo hanyo hurry hurry Commands
844 kanto se:sek you stay here Commands
845 isi’ sátkwit you move over Commands
846 tetsya’nyanawʌ́ksi̲ you two take your mittens off Clothes
847 tehsa’nyanawʌ́ksi̲ take your mittens off Clothes
848 tsyana’alolóksi̲ you two take your hat off Clothes
849 sana’alolóksi̲ take your hat off Clothes
850 tsyatya’tawi’tási̲ you two take your coat, dress, or shirt off Clothes
851 satya’tawi’tási̲ take you coat, dress, or shirt off Clothes
852 tetsyalahtáhsi̲ you two take your shoes off Clothes
853 tehsalahtáhsi̲ take your shoes off Clothes
854 tetsyalatahkwanétasi̲ you two take your boots off Clothes
855 tehsalahtahkwanétasi̲ take you boots off Clothes
856 tutatsyatayat ó:nʌ̲ you two come back in now In The Morning
857 tutasatayat ó:nʌ̲ you come back in now In The Morning
858 wale:lú̲ frog Animals
859 ohna’kwalohsa’kó: elephant Animals
860 tsikawihsakíh̲a̲’ monkey Animals
861 aní:tas skunk Animals
862 kwalo:lú̲ owl Animals
863 atú:nyote̲’ eagle Animals
864 ʌti:lu̲ raccoon Animals
865 ótku̲’ snake Animals
866 otsi’no:wʌ̲ mouse Animals
867 tsi’kwilʌ́:tu̲ squirrel Animals
868 kohsa:tʌ́s horse Animals
869 othahyu:ní̲ wolf Animals
870 kʌ́tsi fish Animals
871 é:lhal dog Animals
872 tsiskó:ko’ robin Animals
873 kwa’yʌ́h̲a̲ rabbit Animals
874 takós cat Animals
875 oskanu:tú̲: deer Animals
876 ohkwa:lí̲ bear Animals
877 tsyatsyóhal you two wash your face In The Morning
878 sahtsyóhal wash your hands In The Morning
879 tsyatnawilóhal you two brush your teeth In The Morning
880 satnawilóhal brush your teeth In The Morning
881 tetsya’nyánawʌk you two put on your mittens Clothes
882 tehsa’nyánawʌk put on your mittens Clothes
883 tsyana’alo:lók you two put your hat on Clothes
884 sana’alo:lók put your hat on Clothes
885 tsyatyátahwit you two put on your dress, shirt, or coat Clothes
886 satyátahwit put on your dress, shirt, or coat Clothes
887 tetsyaláhtan you two put on your shoes Clothes
888 tehsalátan put on your shoes Clothes
889 tetsyalahtah kwané:tan you two put on your boots Clothes
890 tehsalahtah kwané:tan put on your boots Clothes
891 tsyatelhalat á:esniyakʌne̲’ you two get ready to go outside In The Morning
892 satelhalat ashyá:kʌne̲’ get ready to go outside In The Morning
893 tsyatketsko ó:nʌ̲ you two get up now In The Morning
894 satketsko ó:nʌ̲ get up now In The Morning
895 tsyanuhwetha ó:nʌ̲ you two go to bed now In The Morning
896 ohalanʌ́:t̲a̲’ purple Colors
897 awʌ́:la̲ green Colors
898 owiskela̲’ white Colors
899 athehsa̲’ brown Colors
900 otsí:nkwal yellow Colors
901 ata’kʌla̲’ grey Colors
902 sanuhwetha ó:nʌ̲ You go to bed now. Commands
903 a’no:wál turtle Clans
904 olú:ya̲’ Blue Colors
905 oswʌ́:ta̲’ black Colors
906 Yaweku’ se’wah It sure is good Food: Strawberry Jam Making
907 Kwa’ nyo uhte wahyáku The berries must be real good Food: Strawberry Jam Making
908 Tákʌ kwi ʌsesa’nikulhʌ yʌsanutaklitslú:ti̲ Don’t forget to add sugar Food: Strawberry Jam Making
909 Nʌ ki’ ʌwá:tu ʌtawahyá:lite̲’ We can have mashed berries now Food: Strawberry Jam Making
910 Kwah nyo wahyowá:nʌse̲’ The berries are sure big Food: Strawberry Jam Making
911 Sanúte’ kʌ tsi’ kʌ’niyohʌtesha’ tsi’ nú: niwatunyá:ta’ nén awʌhíhte̲’ Do you know that strawberries grow on a short plant? Food: Strawberry Jam Making
912 Nʌ ki’ yahkahewe’ tsi’ niyuhyawas nén awʌhíhte̲’ It’s now time to pick strawberries. Food: Strawberry Jam Making
913 teyonutaklítslale̲’ It’s sweet. Food: Strawberry Jam Making
914 yotahyú:ni̲ Lots of berries Food: Strawberry Jam Making
915 onutakeli̲ Sugar Food
916 wahyohwá:nʌse̲’ Big berries Food: Strawberry Jam Making
917 wahyáku Good fruit Food: Strawberry Jam Making
918 onikwʌtahla̲’ Red Colors
919 kʌ’niyohʌtésha̲’ Short plant Food: Strawberry Jam Making
920 awʌhíhte̲’ Strawberry Food: Strawberry Jam Making